Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
SYSO 5: Self-Organizing Surfaces and Interfaces IV
Donnerstag, 26. März 2009, 11:00–12:30, GÖR 226
11:00 |
SYSO 5.1 |
Establishment and Maintenance of Compartment Boundaries in Growing Tissues — •Jonas Ranft, Reza Farhadifar, Katharina Landsberg, Thomas Bittig, Christian Dahmann, and Frank Jülicher
11:15 |
SYSO 5.2 |
DNA interaction with freestanding cationic lipid bilayers — •Christoph Herold, Eugene P. Petrov, and Petra Schwille
11:30 |
SYSO 5.3 |
Translational diffusion in lipid membranes with phase separation: A Monte Carlo study — Jens Ehrig, •Eugene P. Petrov, and Petra Schwille
11:45 |
SYSO 5.4 |
Min proteins make waves: Self-organization of bacterial cell division proteins in vitro — •Martin Loose, Elisabeth Fischer-Friedrich, Christoph Herold, Karsten Kruse, and Petra Schwille
12:00 |
SYSO 5.5 |
Lamella and Cylinder Morphologies in Confined Copolymer-Homopolymer Mixtures — •Kostas Daoulas and Marcus Müller
12:15 |
SYSO 5.6 |
Packing Frustration of bicontinuous and multicontinuous cubic Gyroid mesophases — •Gerd E Schröder-Turk, Karsten Grosse-Brauckmann, and Stephen T Hyde