Dresden 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
TT 12: Correlated Electrons: Spin Systems and Itinerant Magnets 2
Montag, 23. März 2009, 14:00–16:00, HSZ 304
14:00 |
TT 12.1 |
Systematic derivation of generalized t-J models from Hubbard models away from half-filling — •Simone Hamerla and Götz S. Uhrig
14:15 |
TT 12.2 |
Dynamic Spin Excitations and Magnetism in the Hubbard Model — •Sebastian Schmitt
14:30 |
TT 12.3 |
The frustrated ferromagnetic S=1/2 Heisenberg chain in a magnetic field – How multipolar spin correlations emerge from magnetically ordered states — Julien Sudan, Andreas Lüscher, and •Andreas M. Läuchli
14:45 |
TT 12.4 |
Ferromagnetic mixed-spin chain model for MnNi(NO2)4(en)2 (en = ethylenediamine) — •Andreas Honecker, Wolfram Brenig, Stefan Süllow, Matthias Bleckmann, and Ralf Feyerherm
15:00 |
15 min. break
15:15 |
TT 12.5 |
Quasiparticle Renormalization of Bulk Conduction Band States in a Ferromagnet at High Binding Energies — •A. Hofmann, X. Y. Cui, J. Schäfer, S. Meyer, P. Höpfner, L. Patthey, E. Rotenberg, J. Bünemann, F. Gebhard, T. Ohm, W. Weber, and R. Claessen
15:30 |
TT 12.6 |
Collective spin-excitations in Cu L and O K edge Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering from Sr14Cu24O41 — •Thorsten Schmitt, Justina Schlappa, F. Vernay, V. Strocov, V. Ilakovac, B. Thielemann, H. Ronnow, J. Mesot, B. Delley, and L. Patthey
15:45 |
TT 12.7 |
Orbitons and bi-orbitons in YVO3 — •Luis Mäder, Eva Benckiser, Giacomo Ghiringhelli, Marco Moretti, Graeme R. Blake, Nandang Mufti, A. Agung Nugroho, Thomas T. M. Palstra, Maurits Haverkort, and Markus Grüninger