14:00 |
TT 33.1 |
Optical conductivity and correlated bands of LaVO3 and YVO3 — •David Heilmann and Eva Pavarini
14:00 |
TT 33.2 |
Thermodynamic and electrical properties of EuC2+x — •Oliver Heyer, Derk Wandner, Nils Hollmann, Uwe Ruschewitz, Thomas Lorenz, and John A. Mydosh
14:00 |
TT 33.3 |
Co-tunneling in two-dimensional lattices of EBID-nanoparticles — •Roland Sachser, Fabrizio Porrati, and Michael Huth
14:00 |
TT 33.4 |
Orbital and charge ordering in CuI2S4 thiospinel studied by Raman scattering — •Vladimir Gnezdilov, Peter Lemmens, Yurii Pashkevich, Kwang-Yong Choi, and Vladimir Tsurkan
14:00 |
TT 33.5 |
The Fermi Surface of MoO2 as studied by photoelectron spectroscopy, de Haas-van Alphen measurements and electronic structure calculations — •Jörg Kündel, Judith Moosburger-Will, Siegfried Horn, Udo Schwingenschlögl, and Volker Eyert
14:00 |
TT 33.6 |
Lattice distortions in oxide heterostructures — •Cosima Schuster and Udo Schwingenschlögl
14:00 |
TT 33.7 |
Prediction of insulator to metal transition in rubidium sesquioxide (Rb4O6) under high pressure — •S. Shahabeddin Naghavi, Gerhard H. Fecher, Claudia Felser, Jürgen Kübler, and Klaus Doll
14:00 |
TT 33.8 |
Electronic excitation spectra on undoped and electron doped TiOCl — •Roberto Kraus, Martin Knupfer, Michael Sing, and Ralph Claessen
14:00 |
TT 33.9 |
Doping dependence of stripe order in La2−xSrxNiO4+δ — •Christoph Trabant, Hsueh-Hung Wu, Marcel Buchholz, Enrico Schierle, Mohammed Benomar, Agung Nugroho, Alexander Komarek, Ralf Feyerherm, Markus Braden, Liu Hao Tjeng, and Christian Schüßler-Langeheine
14:00 |
TT 33.10 |
The coupled electronic order of manganese and oxygen states in doped manganites — •Jochen Geck, David G. Hawthorn, Kyle M. Shen, Hiroki Wadati, Enrico Schierle, Liu H. Tjeng, Hsueh-Hung Wu, Christian Schüßler-Langeheine, and George A. Sawatzky
14:00 |
TT 33.11 |
Investigation of Orbital-Ordering in Sr2VO4 — •Joseph M. Law, Eva Brücher, Sukanta Karmakar, Karl Syassen, and Reinhard K. Kremer
14:00 |
TT 33.12 |
Interplay between superconductivity and charge order in 2D organic superconductors — •Stefan Kaiser, Natalia Drichko, Yaxiu Sun, Martin Dressel, Toomas Room, Dan Hüvonen, Urmas Nagel, Matteo Masino, Alberto Girlando, and John Schlueter
14:00 |
TT 33.13 |
Dynamic Spin Excitations and Magnetism in the Hubbard Model — •Sebastian Schmitt
14:00 |
TT 33.14 |
A Functional Approach for the Spin Chain — •Stephan Filor and Thomas Pruschke
14:00 |
TT 33.15 |
Spin-1 anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnets — •David Peters, Ian McCulloch, and Walter Selke
14:00 |
TT 33.16 |
Spin-Dynamics of the antiferromagnetic S=1/2-Chain at finite magnetic Fields and intermediate Temperatures — •Simon Grossjohann and Wolfram Brenig
14:00 |
TT 33.17 |
Magnetic impurities in two-dimensional spin-1/2 antiferromagnets — •Björn Willenberg, Simon Grossjohann, and Wolfram Brenig
14:00 |
TT 33.18 |
Effective Hamiltonians for Doped Spin-1/2 Ladders from Self-Similar Continuous Unitary Transformations — •Sebastian Duffe, Tim Fischer, and Götz S. Uhrig
14:00 |
TT 33.19 |
Thermodynamics of a one-dimensional frustrated spin-1/2 Heisenberg ferromagnet — •Moritz Härtel, Johannes Richter, Dieter Ihle, and Stefan-Ludwig Drechsler
14:00 |
TT 33.20 |
Thermodynamic properties of the ferromagnetic Kondo Lattice Model at finite temperatures for different magnetic phases — •Martin Stier and Wolfgang Nolting
14:00 |
TT 33.21 |
The ground state phase diagram of the ferromagnetic Kondo-lattice model — •Sören Henning and Wolfgang Nolting
14:00 |
TT 33.22 |
Spin waves in the Heisenberg and in the Kondo-lattice Model — •Andrej Schwabe and Wolfgang Nolting
14:00 |
TT 33.23 |
Manipulating magnetic structures in chiral metals by currents — •Karin Everschor, Achim Rosch, and Rembert Duine
14:00 |
TT 33.24 |
Spectral weight of Mott-Hubbard excitations in YVO3 studied by ellipsometry — •Julia Küppersbusch, Christina Hilgers, Agung Nugroho, Thomas Palstra, and Markus Grüninger
14:00 |
TT 33.25 |
Synthesis and properties of the filled skutterudites CePt4Ge12 and SmPt4Ge12 — •Walter Schnelle, Roman Gumeniuk, Andreas Leithe-Jasper, Helge Rosner, Michael Nicklas, Michael Baenitz, Michael Schöneich, Marcus Schmidt, Ulrich Schwarz, and Yuri Grin
14:00 |
TT 33.26 |
Spin-phonon scattering and heat transport in spin ladders — •Christina Seidler and Wolfram Brenig