14:00 |
TT 35.1 |
Interference and interaction effects in adiabatic pumping through quantum dots — •Bastian Hiltscher, Michele Governale, and Jürgen König
14:00 |
TT 35.2 |
Non-local Andreev transport through an interacting quantum dot — •David Futterer, Michele Governale, Marco G. Pala, and Jürgen König
14:00 |
TT 35.3 |
Influence of spin waves on transport through a quantum-dot spin valve — •Björn Sothmann, Jürgen König, and Anatoli Kadigrobov
14:00 |
TT 35.4 |
Time-resolved Electron Transport through Quantum Dot Systems — •Alexander Croy and Ulf Saalmann
14:00 |
TT 35.5 |
Towards quantum dots on GaAs nanowires — •Johannes Mösl, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, and Stefan Ludwig
14:00 |
TT 35.6 |
Nonequilibrium transport through a correlated quantum dot with magnetic impurity — •Daniel Becker, Stephan Weiss, Michael Thorwart, and Daniela Pfannkuche
14:00 |
TT 35.7 |
Transport properties of smooth and rough interfaces — •Mohamed Fadlallah, Cosima Schuster, and Udo Schwingenschlögl
14:00 |
TT 35.8 |
Current without external bias and diode effect in shuttling transport of nanoshafts — •Klaus Morawetz, Sibylle Gemming, Regina Luschtinetz, Lukas Eng, Gotthard Seifert, and Anatole Kenfack
14:00 |
TT 35.9 |
A Microscopic Model of Current-Induced Switching of Magnetization — •Niko Sandschneider and Wolfgang Nolting
14:00 |
TT 35.10 |
Electrical-physical characteristics of Si/SiO2/Ni nanoelectronic systems with ion tracks in strong magnetic fields — •Alexander Petrov, Egor Kaniukov, Sergey Demyanov, Ivan Svito, Alexander Fedotov, and Eugene Belonogov
14:00 |
TT 35.11 |
Conductance oscillations of polyacetylene at finite temperature — •Davoud Pouladsaz, Thomas Geßner, Michael Schreiber, and Reinhard Streiter
14:00 |
TT 35.12 |
Charge transport properties of highly conducting tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) based nano-wires — •Marius Bürkle, Fabian Pauly, Janne Viljas, Juan Carlos Cuevas, and Gerd Schön
14:00 |
TT 35.13 |
Fermi-edge singularities: Bulk vs. mesoscopic systems — •Martina Hentschel and Georg Röder
14:00 |
TT 35.14 |
Density functional theory on a lattice: Transport through a small interacting region — Michael Dzierzawa, Ulrich Eckern, •Stefan Schenk, and Peter Schwab
14:00 |
TT 35.15 |
Geometry-Dependence of 0.7 Anomaly in Quantum Point Contacts: A Study Using the Functional Renormalization Group — •Jan Heyder, Florian Bauer, and Jan von Delft
14:00 |
TT 35.16 |
Using wave packet propagation to calculate conductivities — •Christoph Kreisbeck, Viktor Krückl, and Tobias Kramer
14:00 |
TT 35.17 |
Multiple electron transfer and transport through a DNA dimer — •Sabine Tornow, Gertrud Zwicknagl, Ralf Bulla, and Frithjof Anders
14:00 |
TT 35.18 |
Laser excitation of atomic point contacts on silicon membranes — •Reimar Waitz, Olivier Schecker, and Elke Scheer
14:00 |
TT 35.19 |
Magneto-resistance of atomic-sized contacts of magnetic metals — •Stefan Egle, Hans-Fridtjof Pernau, Cécile Bacca, Magdalena Hüfner, and Elke Scheer
14:00 |
TT 35.20 |
Formation of low conductive constrictions in nanostructures by electromigration — •Birgit Kießig, Wanyin Cui, Kai Grube, Regina Hoffmann, and Roland Schäfer
14:00 |
TT 35.21 |
Electron induced heating and molecular phonon cooling in single C60 junctions — Gunnar Schulze, Katharina J. Franke, and •Jose Ignacio Pascual
14:00 |
TT 35.22 |
Quantum Transport Through Gold Wires: Ab Initio Studies Using Plane Waves and Supercells — •Björn Oetzel, Martin Preuss, Frank Ortmann, Karsten Hannewald, and Friedhelm Bechstedt
14:00 |
TT 35.23 |
Molecular Switches in Break Junction Metal-Molecule-Metal Contacts — •Bernd Briechle, Thomas Kirchner, Uta Eberlein, Simon Verleger, Marcel Mayor, Alfred Blaszczyk, Thomas Huhn, Jannic Wolf, Dima Sysoiev, Elke Scheer, and Artur Erbe
14:00 |
TT 35.24 |
Optical Spectroscopy on Tuneable Nano Gaps — •Daniel Gerster, Joachim Reichert, Stefan Klein, Harald Fuchs, and Johannes V. Barth
14:00 |
TT 35.25 |
Phase-dynamics in superconducting atomic and molecular point contacts — •Benjamin Obert
14:00 |
TT 35.26 |
Charge transport through an interference SET — •Georg Begemann, Dana Darau, Andrea Donarini, and Milena Grifoni
14:00 |
TT 35.27 |
Electron Dynamics in Molecular Wires Studied by a Density Matrix Approach — •Lisa Mövius and Ulrich Kleinekathöfer
14:00 |
TT 35.28 |
Noise Measurements of Cryogenic Amplifiers for Qubit Experiments — •Christian Schwemmer, Tobias Wirth, Alexander Lukashenko, Jürgen Lisenfeld, Michael Mück, and Alexey Ustinov
14:00 |
TT 35.29 |
Microwave Spectroscopy on Superconducting Flux Qubits — •Thomas Niemczyk, Lars Eggenstein, Frank Deppe, Elisabeth Hoffmann, Edwin Menzel, Matteo Mariantoni, Achim Marx, and Rudolf Gross
14:00 |
TT 35.30 |
The dissipative quantum Duffing oscillator — •Carmen Frammelsberger and Milena Grifoni
14:00 |
TT 35.31 |
Josephson Phase Qubits with Submicron Nb Junctions — Ralf Dolata, •Jürgen Lisenfeld, Brigitte Mackrodt, Alexander Lukashenko, Alexander Zorin, and Alexey Ustinov
14:00 |
TT 35.32 |
Engineering Quantum States of Light in Coplanar Cavities — •Michael Wulf, Ralf Dolata, and Alexander B. Zorin
14:00 |
TT 35.33 |
Full Counting Statistics of Interacting Quantum Dots with Ferromagnetic Leads — •Stephan Lindebaum, Daniel Urban, and Jürgen König