14:00 |
TT 9.1 |
Pressure and doping driven metal-to-insulator transition in V2O3 — •Philipp Hansmann, Alessandro Toschi, Giorgio Sangiovanni, Maurits Haverkort, Tanusri Saha-Dasgupta, and Karsten Held
14:15 |
TT 9.2 |
Correlation effects in half-metallic Heusler alloys — •Eberhard Jakobi, Nils Blümer, and Peter van Dongen
14:30 |
TT 9.3 |
LDA+DMFT study of metal-insulator transition in the bulk and at the surface of CaxSr2−xRuO4 — •Michael Karolak, Tim Wehling, Frank Lechermann, and Alexander Lichtenstein
14:45 |
TT 9.4 |
LDA+DMFT study of Ca2RuO4 and Sr2RuO4 using the full on-site Coulomb interaction — •Evgeny Gorelov, Eva Pavarini, and Alexander I. Lichtenstein
15:00 |
TT 9.5 |
Drastic Spectral Weight Transfer across the Metal-Insulator Transition in Ca2−xSrxRuO4 Revealed by Soft-X-ray Photoemission — •H. Fujiwara, Z. Hu, T. C. Koethe, A. Hendricks, M. Zell, N. B. Brookes, S. Nakatsuji, and L. H. Tjeng
15:15 |
15 min. break
15:30 |
TT 9.6 |
Electronic and optical properties of NiS2 — •Cosima Schuster
15:45 |
TT 9.7 |
Is NiS2 a charge-transfer insulator? — •Jan Kuneš, Dmitry A Korotin, and Vladimir I Anisimov
16:00 |
TT 9.8 |
Crystal-field level inversion in lightly Mn-doped Sr3Ru2O7 — Muhammed A. Hossain, Zhiwei Hu, Maurits W. Haverkort, •Tobias Burnus, Chun Fu Chang, Stefan Klein, Jonathan D. Denlinger, Hong-Ji Lin, Chien Te Chen, Roland Mathieu, Y. Kaneko, Yoshinori Tokura, S. Satow, Y. Yoshida, Hidenori Takagi, Arata Tanaka, Ilya S. Elfimov, George A. Sawatzky, L. Hao Tjeng, and Andrea Damascelli
16:15 |
TT 9.9 |
On the mechanism for orbital-ordering in KCuF3 — •Eva Pavarini, Erik Koch, and Alexander I. Lichtenstein
16:30 |
TT 9.10 |
Predicting pressure-induced phase transitions in the Mott insulator TiOCl — Yuzhong Zhang, •Harald O. Jeschke, and Roser Valenti