17:30 |
EP 7.1 |
Dosis Messungen an Bord der ISS — •Johannes Labrenz, Sönke Burmeister, Thomas Berger, Günther Reitz, Rudolf Beaujean und Bernd Heber
17:30 |
EP 7.2 |
Ion Upwelling Associated with Ionospheric Heating — •Michael Danielides, Mike Kosch, and Michael Rietveld
17:30 |
EP 7.3 |
Bridging Eulerian and Lagrangian fluctuations — •Christian Schwarz, Christoph Beetz, Oliver Kamps, Rudolf Friedrich, Jürgen Dreher, and Rainer Grauer
17:30 |
EP 7.4 |
EISCAT (ESR) and SOUSY (SSR) Svalbard Radar Observations of PMSE - Revisited - Differences, Similarities and Capabilities — •Jürgen Röttger
17:30 |
EP 7.5 |
On the Possibility of Upper Mesosphere Temperature Changes Observed in PMSE and Incoherent Scatter During a Strong Polar Cap Absorption Event - Revisited - — •Jürgen Röttger
17:30 |
EP 7.6 |
Validation of PLANETOCOSMICs predictions with EISCAT electron precipitation measurements — •Renate Scherer, Klaudia Herbst, Mike Rietveld, Bernd Heber, and Klaus Scherer
17:30 |
EP 7.7 |
A search for long-term variations of the F layer using EISCAT — •Renate Scherer, Mike Rietveld, Klaus Scherer, Bernd Heber, and Horst Fichtner
17:30 |
EP 7.8 |
High-frequency magnetospheric sounding at EISCAT: some trials and their implications — Andrew Senior, Farideh Honary, •Michael Rietveld, Peter Chapman, and Mike Kosch
17:30 |
EP 7.9 |
Charakterisierung eines Dosimeters zur Messung der Ortsdosisleistung in Flughöhen — •Thomas Möller im Namen der RAMONA Kooperation
17:30 |
EP 7.10 |
Modeling the Martian neutral particle radiation - predictions for ExoMars/IRAS and implications for Martian habitability during the Noachian — •Bent Ehresmann, Robert Wimmer-Schweingruber, Soenke Burmeister, Jan Koehler, Shri Kulkarni, and Guenther Reiz
17:30 |
EP 7.11 |
Light-output response of the scintillators for the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) — •Cesar Martin, Eckart Boehm, Onno Kortmann, Stephan Bottcher, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Soenke Burmeister, and Bent Ehresmann
17:30 |
EP 7.12 |
Detection of neutral particle radiation with the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Radiation Assessment Detector (RAD) — •Onno Kortmann, Cesar Martin, Eckart Böhm, Stephan Böttcher, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Sönke Burmeister, Bent Ehresmann, Donald M. Hassler, Cary Zeitlin, Arik Posner, Arik Posner, Scott Rafkin, Eddie Weigle, Kerry Neal, and Günther Reitz
17:30 |
EP 7.13 |
TNS - a light-weight sensor for thermal neutrons — •Jan Koehler, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Eileen Gonzales, Bernd Heber, Stephan Boettcher, Soenke Burmeister, Lars Seimetz, and Bjoern Schuster
17:30 |
EP 7.14 |
Inductive response of Callisto's interior — •Mario Seufert and Joachim Saur
17:30 |
EP 7.15 |
MHD-Simulationen des Massloadings von Enceladus mit Hilfe von Yin-Yang-Gittern — Maria Laukert, •Andreas Kopp und Horst Fichtner
17:30 |
EP 7.16 |
Development of an residual gas monitor for the Kiel solar wind and suprathermal particle laboratory — •Viktor Hrkac, Michael Stalder, Lauri Panitzsch, Robter F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Christiane Helmke, and Stefan Kolbe
17:30 |
EP 7.17 |
The Kiel suprathermal ion calibration facility - current status and next steps — •Lauri Panitzsch, Michael Stalder, and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
17:30 |
EP 7.18 |
Suprathermal particles with STEREO PLASTIC — •Christian Drews, Lars Berger, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, and Antoinette B. Galvin
17:30 |
EP 7.19 |
WWW.NMDB.EU: Die Echtzeit Neutronen Monitor Datenbank — •Christian Steigies
17:30 |
EP 7.20 |
The dynamic response of the corona to photospheric driving — •Philippe-A. Bourdin, Sven Bingert, and Hardi Peter
17:30 |
EP 7.21 |
Large scale magnetic structure formation in 3D- MHD Turbulence — •Shiva Kumar Malapaka and Wolf-Christian Müller
17:30 |
EP 7.22 |
A low-dissipation central scheme for compressible MHD turbulence — •Christian Vogel and Wolf-Christian Müller
17:30 |
EP 7.23 |
Poroelastische Modellierung zur Entstehung von Ausflusstälern auf dem Mars — •Stefanie Musiol, Béatrice Cailleau und Gerhard Neukum
17:30 |
EP 7.24 |
Bestimmung der Größen-Häufigkeitsverteilung (SFD) der Einschlagskrater-Populationen auf den Saturnmonden und Vergleich mit der SFD der Hauptgürtelasteroiden — •Nico Schmedemann, Gerhard Neukum, Oliver Hartmann, Roland Wagner und Tilmann Denk
17:30 |
EP 7.25 |
Applications and Performance of a Dust Telescope — •Ralf Srama, Sascha Kempf, Georg Moragas-Klostermeyer, Frank Postberg, Sean Hsu, Rene Laufer, Hartmut Henkel, Zoltan Sternovsky, Eberhard Grün, and Hans-Peter Röser