17:30 |
P 18.1 |
Dynamical collision frequency in warm dense matter — •Mathias Winkel, Heidi Reinholz, August Wierling, and Gerd Röpke
17:30 |
P 18.2 |
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in two-dimensional dipole systems — •Alexey Filinov, Nikolay Prokof’ev, and Michael Bonitz
17:30 |
P 18.3 |
Quantum Potentials with Degeneracy — Sandipan Dutta, James Dufty, Alexei Filinov, and •Michael Bonitz
17:30 |
P 18.4 |
Effective quantum potentials for strongly correlated plasmas — •Torben Ott, Alexei Filinov, James W. Dufty, and Michael Bonitz
17:30 |
P 18.5 |
Simulationen für die Entwicklung einer laserinduzierten, gepulsten Neutronenquelle — •Jörg Schütrumpf, Marc Günther und Markus Roth
17:30 |
P 18.6 |
Radiation Pressure Acceleration by Circularly Polarized Pulses: Three-Dimensional Dynamics and Angular Momentum Absorption — •Tatiana Liseykina, Dieter Bauer, Andrea Macchi, Francesco Pegoraro, and Sergei Popruzhenko
17:30 |
P 18.7 |
Stoßabsorption intensiver Laserstrahlung in dichten Plasmen — •Max Moll, Paul Hilse, Manfred Schlanges und Thomas Bornath
17:30 |
P 18.8 |
Laser-Cluster-Wechselwirkung in einem modifizierten Nanoplasma-Modell mit effektiven Ionisierungsenergien — •Thomas Bornath, Paul Hilse, Max Moll und Manfred Schlanges
17:30 |
P 18.9 |
Pressure broadening of Lyman-Lines in Dense Li2+ Plasmas — •Sonja Lorenzen, August Wierling, Heidi Reinholz, and Gerd Röpke
17:30 |
P 18.10 |
Radiation Hydrodynamics of Laser-induced Plasmas using dynamic collision frequencies — •Philipp Sperling, August Wierling, Gerd Roepke, and Mathias Winkel
17:30 |
P 18.11 |
Collisions in EUTERPE code — •Karla Kauffmann and Ralf Kleiber
17:30 |
P 18.12 |
Numerical study of the interaction between Alfvén waves and fast particles — •Tamás Béla Fehér, Axel Könies, Ralf Kleiber, and Roman Hatzky
17:30 |
P 18.13 |
Time Series Analysis of Gyrokinetic Turbulence Data — •Holger Angenent, Frank Jenko, and Rudolf Friedrich
17:30 |
P 18.14 |
Towards a Better Understanding of Critical Ion Temperature Gradients in Tokamaks — •Julian Hüser, Frank Jenko, and Rudolf Friedrich
17:30 |
P 18.15 |
Zonal flow generation in quasi 2D turbulence in magnetised plasmas and rapidly rotating planetary atmospheres — •Andreas Kammel and Klaus Hallatschek
17:30 |
P 18.16 |
Modeling Lagrangian MHD fluctuations — •Thorsten Hater, Holger Homann, Martin Rieke, and Rainer Grauer
17:30 |
P 18.17 |
Multi-Ion kinetic model for coronal Loop — •Sofiane Bourouaine, Christian Vocks, and Eckart Marsch
17:30 |
P 18.18 |
Influence of reabsorption and trapping of radiation on the population of excited states in low-temperature plasma — •Sergey Gorchakov, Dmitry Demchuk, Yuri Golubovskii, Detlef Loffhagen, Alexander Timofeev, and Dirk Uhrlandt
17:30 |
P 18.19 |
Modellierung des Anodengebietes von freibrennenden Lichtbögen — •Sergey Gorchakov, Alexander Timofeev und Dirk Uhrlandt
17:30 |
P 18.20 |
Analytische und numerische Untersuchungen zur Stabilität einer DC-Sauerstoffglimmentladung — •Benjamin May, Johannes Marbach, Berndt Bruhn und Andreas Richter
17:30 |
P 18.21 |
Einfluss elastischer Stöße auf die räumliche Dämpfung von elektrostatischen Elektronenwellen in Niederdruckplasmen — •Jens Oberrath und Ralf Peter Brinkmann
17:30 |
P 18.22 |
Electric Microfield Distributions in Nonideal Two-Component Electron-Ion Plasmas with account of the ion structure — •Saltanat Polatovna Sadykova, Werner Ebeling, Ilya Valuev, and Igor Sokolov
17:30 |
P 18.23 |
Stability and dynamics of relativistic solitons — •Götz Alexander Lehmann, Ernst Wolfgang Laedke, and Karl-Heinz Spatschek
17:30 |
P 18.24 |
Density profile of confined charged particles — Jeffry Wrighton, James Dufty, Christian Henning, •Michael Bonitz, and Hanno Kählert
17:30 |
P 18.25 |
Quantum breathing mode of charged fermions and bosons at arbitrary coupling — Sebastian Bauch, Karsten Balzer, Christian Henning, David Hochstuhl, and •Michael Bonitz
17:30 |
P 18.26 |
Few-electron quantum dots within a nonequilibrium Green’s functions study — Karsten Balzer, David Hochstuhl, and •Michael Bonitz
17:30 |
P 18.27 |
Kinetic Modelling of PECVD of Boron Nitride Films — Ya Ting Wu, Jens Matheis, and •Achim Lunk
17:30 |
P 18.28 |
Weibel instability of a relativistic electron beam in quasi-neutral plasma — •Anupam Karmakar, Naveen Kumar, Alexander Pukhov, Oleg Polomarov, and Gennady Shvets