Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 10: Ultracold atoms II: Single atoms (with Q)
Dienstag, 3. März 2009, 14:00–15:45, Audi-B
14:00 |
A 10.1 |
Cavity cooling of cesium atoms: experiments in the bad cavity limit — •Arne Wickenbrock, Piyaphat Phoonthong, Lyubomir Petrov, and Ferruccio Renzoni
14:15 |
A 10.2 |
Towards a guided atom interferometer based on a superconducting atom chip — Tobias Mueller, Xing Wu, •Anushyam Mohan, Azar Eyvazov, Yu Wu, and Rainer Dumke
14:30 |
A 10.3 |
Quantum jumps and continuous spin measurement in a strongly coupled atom-cavity system — •Tobias Kampschulte, Wolfgang Alt, Mkrtych Khudaverdyan, Sebastian Reick, Alexander Thobe, Artur Widera, and Dieter Meschede
15:00 |
A 10.4 |
Manipulation of atoms with optical tweezers — Lukas Brandt, Cecilia Muldoon, •Edouard Bains, and Axel Kuhn
15:15 |
A 10.5 |
Efimov states in atom-molecular collisions — •Maxim A. Efremov, Lev Plimak, Misha Yu. Ivanov, Gora V. Shlyapnikov, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
15:30 |
A 10.6 |
Deterministische ultrakalte Ionenquelle nahe dem Heisenberg Limit — •Wolfgang Schnitzler, R. Fickler, N. M. Linke, F. Schmidt-Kaler und K. Singer