Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 13: Atomic Systems in External Fields II
Dienstag, 3. März 2009, 16:30–18:00, VMP 6 HS-B
16:30 |
A 13.1 |
The total break-up of two-electron atoms: from highly doubly excited states to double ionization of helium — •Javier Madroñero, Johannes Eiglsperger, and Bernard Piraux
17:00 |
A 13.2 |
Commissioning of the HITRAP Decelerator using a Single-shot Pepper Pot Emittance Meter: A Status Report — •Jochen Pfister, Winfried Barth, Ludwig Dahl, Peter Forck, Frank Herfurth, Oliver Kester, and Ulrich Ratzinger
17:30 |
A 13.3 |
Hartree-Fock-Roothaan calculations of bound-bound transitions for medium-Z atoms in strong magnetic fields — •Akin Yildirim, Peter Diemand, and Günter Wunner
17:45 |
A 13.4 |
Hartree-Fock-Roothaan calculations of the photoionization of medium-Z atoms in neutron star magnetic fields — •Peter Diemand, Akin Yildirim, and Günter Wunner