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A: Fachverband Atomphysik

A 15: Poster I

Dienstag, 3. März 2009, 16:30–19:00, VMP 9 Poster

16:30 A 15.1 Frequency comb spectroscopy of Hydrogen 1S-3S — •Elisabeth Peters, Sascha Reinhardt, Scott Diddams, Thomas Udem, and Theodor W. Hänsch
16:30 A 15.2 Polarization and entanglement studies on the two-photon transitions in hydrogenlike ions — •Filippo Fratini, Stephan Fritzsche, and Andrey Surzhykov
16:30 A 15.3 Absolute Determination of X-ray Transition Energies in S14+ and Ar16+Ions — •Katharina Kubicek, Hjalmar Bruhns, Johannes Braun, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Joachim Ullrich
16:30 A 15.4 Towards Laser Spectroscopy of the Ground State Hyperfine Splitting in Lithium-like 209 Bi80+ — •Matthias Nothhelfer, Benjamin Botermann, Andreas Dax, Christopher Geppert, Volker Hannen, Thomas Kühl, Rodolfo Sánchez, Thomas Stöhlker, Christian Weinheimer, and Wilfried Nörtershäuser
16:30 A 15.5 Perspektive für ein Experiment zum Test der Speziellen Relativitätstheorie — •Benjamin Botermann, G. Huber, S. Karpuk, W. Nörtershäuser, C. Novotny, D. Bing, D. Schwalm, A. Wolf, G. Gwinner, C. Geppert, H.-J. Kluge, T. Kühl, T. Stöhlker, T. W. Hänsch, S. Reinhardt, G. Saathoff und T. Udem
16:30 A 15.6 Tiefenauslese orts- und zeitauflösender planarer Halbleiterdetektoren zur Untersuchung hochenergetischer Röntgenstrahlung — •U. Spillmann, H. Bräuning, S. Hess, Chr. Kozhuharov, Th. Krings, R. Reuschl, D. Protic, S. Trotsenko und Th. Stöhlker
16:30 A 15.7 Solid-state laser systems for photoionization, laser cooling and coherent manipulation of magnesium ions — •Daniel Nigg, Börge Hemmerling, Birgit Brandstätter, Lukas An der Lan, and Piet O. Schmidt
16:30 A 15.8 Fluorescence cascades in Xe II after autoionization of doubly excited neutral Xenon — •Witoslaw Kielich, Pascal Kerdelhué, Philipp Reiß, Irina Haar, Rainer Hentges, Philipp V. Demekhin, Ivan D. Petrov, Viktor L. Sukhorukov, and Arno Ehresmann
16:30 A 15.9 Compact and robust tunable cw narrowband near IR-VIS-UV source for high-resolution spectroscopy — •Sergey Vasilyev, Hans-Emanuel Gollnick, Alexander Nevsky, and Stephan Schiller
16:30 A 15.10 Nuclear Charge Radii Measurements of 7,9,10,11Be with Laser Spectroscopy — •Monika Žáková, Zoran Andjelkovic, Klaus Blaum, Mark L. Bissell, Gordon W. F. Drake, Christopher Geppert, Magdalena Kowalska, Jörg Krämer, Andreas Krieger, Rainer Neugart, Rodolfo Sánchez, Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Dirk Tiedemann, Zong Chao Yan, Deyan Yordanov, Claus Zimmermann, and Wilfried Nörtershäuser
16:30 A 15.11 Towards an optical lattice clock with 88Sr — •Thomas Middelmann, Joseph Sundar Raaj Vellore Winfred, Christian Lisdat, Thomas Legero, Fritz Riehle, and Uwe Sterr
16:30 A 15.12 Laser source for spectroscopy of trapped highly charged bismuth ions — •Sebastian Albrecht, Norbert Herschbach, Gerhard Birkl, and the SPECTRAP collaboration
16:30 A 15.13 High-Precision Experiments on a Single Trapped Radium IonO. Boell, G.S. Giri, K. Jungmann, B.K. Sahoo, R.G.E. Timmermans, •O.O. Versolato, L.W. Wansbeek, and L. Willmann
16:30 A 15.14 A high current electron beam ion trap for fast charge breeding — •Thomas Baumann, José Crespo López-Urrutia, and Joachim Ullrich
16:30 A 15.15 Resonance of Electromagnetically Induced Absorption in Bichromatic Field for Hanle Setup — •Andrey A. Zhukov, Sergey A. Zibrov, Vladimir L. Velichansky, and Valery P. Yakovlev
16:30 A 15.16 Fundamental symmetries in 21Na decayD.J. van der Hoek, R. Hoekstra, K. Jungmann, •W.L. Kruithof, C.J.G. Onderwater, M. Sohani, L. Willmann, and H.W. Wilschut
16:30 A 15.17 Laser Spectroscopy of atomic RadiumAlexander Groot, Klaus Jungmann, •Bodhaditya Santra, Lorenz Willmann, and Hans W. Wilschut
16:30 A 15.18 Laser excitation and light shifts of highly charged ions — •Octavian Postavaru, Zoltan Harman, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:30 A 15.19 An Optical Dipole Trap Target for a Reaction Microscope — •Renate Hubele, Michael Schuricke, Jochen Steinmann, Ganjun Zhu, Alexander Dorn, and Joachim Ullrich
16:30 A 15.20 Towards Laser Spectroscopy on Lithium II — •Mariusz Semczuk, Guido Saathoff, Valentin Batteiger, Maximilian Herrmann, Sebastian Knünz, Hans Schuessler, Thomas Udem, and Theodor Hänsch
16:30 A 15.21 Untersuchung von angeregten Zuständen in He-artigem Uran durch Messung des 3P0 Zustands — •Regina Reuschl, Heinrich Beyer, Dieter Liesen, Daniel Thorn, Danyal Winters und Thomas Stöhlker
16:30 A 15.22 Methoden zur hochgenauen Laserspektroskopie verbotener Übergänge in hoch geladenen Ionen — •Manuel Vogel, Wilfried Nörtershäuser, Wolfgang Quint und Richard Thompson
16:30 A 15.23 Mg-Candidate for an optical atomic clock — •Temmo Wübbena, Jan Friebe, Matthias Riedmann, Andre Pape, Osama Terra, Gesine Grosche, Wolfgang Lipphardt, Harald Schnatz, Ernst M. Rasel, and Wolfgang Ertmer
16:30 A 15.24 Polarisationsmessungen Radiativer Einfangstrahlung in Uran und Xenon mit neuartigen 2D HalbleiterdetektorenSebastian Hess, Harald Bräuning, Sabrina Geyer, •Ajay Kumar, Renate Märtin, Regina Reuschl, Uwe Spillmann, Martino Trassinelli, Sergej Trotsenko, Siegbert Hagmann, Günter Weber und Thomas Stöhlker
16:30 A 15.25 Improved measurement of the 2S hyperfine splitting in atomic hydrogen and 1S-2S isotopic shift in deuterium — •Janis Alnis, Arthur Matveev, Nikolay Kolachevsky, and Theodor Hänsch
16:30 A 15.26 A trapped-ion phonon laser — •S Knünz, V Batteiger, M Herrmann, T Udem, T W Hänsch, and K Vahala
16:30 A 15.27 daming in 2D and 3D dilute Bose gas — •Ming-Chiang Chung
16:30 A 15.28 Matter-wave interference on an atom chip — •Philipp Wicke, Shannon Whilock, Jan-Joris van Es, Aaldert van Amerongen, and Klaasjan van Druten
16:30 A 15.29 Superconducting Microtraps for Cold Atom Experiments — •Florian Jessen, Daniel Cano, Brian Kash, Helge Hattermann, Max Kahmann, Dieter Kölle, Reinhold Kleiner, Claus Zimmermann, and József Fortágh
16:30 A 15.30 Towards a Gross-Pitaevskii-Boltzmann Equation — •Luis Rico Perez and James Anglin
16:30 A 15.31 Design and setup of a trap for ultracold lithium atoms as a scattering target for cold atom-molecule collision studies — •Tim Eichhorn, Matthias Strebel, Marcel Mudrich, and Frank Stienkemeier
16:30 A 15.32 Local superfluidity in finite 2D helium systems — •Jens Böning, Alexei Filinov, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 A 15.33 An ultracold fermion mixture of 6Li and 40K — •Antje Ludewig, Tobias Tiecke, Sebastian Kraft, Steve Gensemer, and Jook Walraven
16:30 A 15.34 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in two-dimensional dipole systems — •Alexey Filinov, Nikolay Prokof’ev, Michael Bonitz, and Yurii Lozovik
16:30 A 15.35 Efficient guiding of cold atoms through a photonic band gap fiber — •Stefan Vorrath, Sönke Möller, Kai Bongs, and Klaus Sengstock
16:30 A 15.36 Density of states for a cold Bose gas in an optical dipole trap — •Lena Simon and Walter T. Strunz
16:30 A 15.37 EIT and cooling by EIT in an optical dipole trap — •Andreas Ahlrichs, Carl Basler, Christoph Käfer, Maryam Roghani, and Hanspeter Helm
16:30 A 15.38 Spin Struktur von Rb-Spinor-Kondensaten — •Hosnieh Safaei Katoli und Daniela Phannkuche
16:30 A 15.39 The thermal Bose gas - a stochastic approach — •Sigmund Heller and Walter T. Strunz
16:30 A 15.40 Trapped interacting bosons beyond the Gross-Pitaevskii approximation — •Martin Heimsoth, Michael Bonitz, and Alexej Filinov
16:30 A 15.41 Equilibrium properties of charge-asymmetric quantum-bilayers — •Lasse Rosenthal, Karsten Balzer, Alexej Filinov, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 A 15.42 Few-electron quantum dots within a nonequilibrium Green’s functions study — •Karsten Balzer, David Hochstuhl, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 A 15.43 Quantum breathing mode of charged fermions and bosons at arbitrary coupling — •Sebastian Bauch, Karsten Balzer, Christian Henning, David Hochstuhl, and Michael Bonitz
16:30 A 15.44 Spin Struktur von Rb-Spinor-Kondensaten — •Hosnieh Safaei Katoli und Daniela Phannkuche
16:30 A 15.45 Experimental observation of oscillating and interacting matter wave dark solitons — •A Weller, J. P. Ronzheimer, C. Gross, J. Esteve, E. Nicklas, T. Zibold, M. K. Oberthaler, D. J. Frantzeskakis, G. Theocharis, and P. G. Kevrekidis
16:30 A 15.46 An apparatus for ultracold Fermi gases using sodium and lithium — •Jens Appmeier, Fabienne Haupert, Bernhard Huber, Raphael Scelle, Tobias Schuster, Valentin Volchkov, and Markus K. Oberthaler
16:30 A 15.47 Interaction of Ultracold Atoms with Carbon Nanotubes — •Philipp Schneeweiß, Michael Gierling, Gabriela Visanescu, Michael Häffner, Dieter Kern, Andreas Günther, and József Fortágh
16:30 A 15.48 A new Experiment for the investigation of ultra-cold Potassium Rubidium Mixtures — •Johannes Will, Georg Kleine Büning, Bernd Lücke, Mazyar Sabbar, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Jan Arlt
16:30 A 15.49 Squeezing and entanglement in a Bose-Einstein condensate — •Christian Groß, Jerome Esteve, Andreas Weller, Stefano Giovanazzi, Eike Nicklas, Tilman Zibold, Jens Philipp Ronzheimer, and Markus Oberthaler
16:30 A 15.50 Bose Einstein Condensates on the surface of a glass prism — •Helmar Bender, Phillipe Courteille, Claus Zimmermann, and Sebastian Slama
16:30 A 15.51 Observation of ultra long-range Rydberg moleculesVera Bendkowsky, Björn Butscher, •Johannes Nipper, Jonathan Balewski, James P. Shaffer, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
16:30 A 15.52 Universal scaling in a strongly interacting Rydberg gas — •Robert Löw, Vera Bendkowsky, Björn Butscher, Johannes Nipper, Hendrik Weimer, Jonathan Balewski, James P. Shaffer, Hans Peter Büchler, and Tilman Pfau
16:30 A 15.53 Signature of long-range-molecules in a dipole blocked degenerate atom gas — •Weibin Li and Thomas Pohl
16:30 A 15.54 Excitation of Rydberg atoms in an ultracold gas by a rotary echo sequence — •Sebastian Wüster, Cenap Ates, Thomas Pohl, Piotr Deuar, Joel Corney, and Jan-Michael Rost
16:30 A 15.55 Rydberg atom formation in strongly correlated ultracold neutral plasmas — •Georg Bannasch and Thomas Pohl
16:30 A 15.56 Towards single lattice site addressability using ultracold Rydberg atoms — •Ulrich Raitzsch, Richard Abel, Ashok Mohapatra, Mark Bason, Jonathan Pritchard, Kevin Weatherill, and Charles Adams
16:30 A 15.57 Adiabatic energy transfer in Rydberg chains — •Cenap Ates, Alexander Eisfeld, and Jan-Michael Rost
16:30 A 15.58 Collective modes in ultracold plasma — •Andrii Liubonko, Thomas Pohl, and Jan-Michael Rost
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2009 > Hamburg