14:00 |
A 16.1 |
Ion and electron emission from Argon clusters in intense femtosecond XUV laser pulses — •Mathias Arbeiter and Thomas Fennel
14:30 |
A 16.2 |
Vibronic coupling and energy transfer on aggregates — •Alexander Eisfeld
15:00 |
A 16.3 |
Electronic and magnetic properties of size selected scandium and manganese doped silicon cluster cations — •Robert Richter, Konstantin Hirsch, Philipp Klar, Andreas Langenberg, Fabian Lofink, Jürgen Probst, Jochen Rittmann, Marlene Vogel, Vicente Zamudio-Bayer, Thomas Möller, Bernd von Issendorff, and Tobias Lau
15:15 |
A 16.4 |
Transition metal and silicon 2p photoionization of Ti, V, and Cr doped Sin+ cages — •Andreas Langenberg, Marlene Vogel, Konstantin Hirsch, Philipp Klar, Fabian Lofink, Jürgen Probst, Robert Richter, Jochen Rittmann, Vicente Zamudio-Bayer, Thomas Möller, Bernd von Issendorff, and Tobias Lau
15:30 |
A 16.5 |
2p-Photoionisation an freien größenselektierten Silizium-Clustern — •Marlene Vogel, Konstantin Hisch, Philipp Klar, Andreas Langenberg, Fabian Lofink, Jürgen Probst, Robert Richter, Jochen Rittmann, Vicente Zamudio-Bayer, Bernd von Issendorff, Thomas Möller und Tobias Lau
15:45 |
A 16.6 |
X-rays reveal high symmetry and electronic shells in transition metal doped silicon clusters — •Jochen Rittmann, Konstantin Hirsch, Philipp Klar, Andreas Langenberg, Fabian Lofink, Jürgen Probst, Robert Richter, Marlene Vogel, Vicente Zamudio-Bayer, Thomas Möller, Bernd von Issendorff, and Tobias Lau