Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 2: Interaction with VUV and X-Ray Light I
Montag, 2. März 2009, 10:45–12:30, VMP 6 HS-E
10:45 |
A 2.1 |
Angular distributions and continuous intensity behavior in multi-photon processes — •Markus Braune, Axel Reinköster, Jens Viefhaus, Sanja Korica, and Uwe Becker
11:15 |
A 2.2 |
Lepton Pair Production in High-Frequency Laser Fields — •Carsten Müller, Carlus Deneke, and Christoph H. Keitel
11:45 |
A 2.3 |
Jitter-compensated time-resolved ion spectrometry at FLASH — •Maria Krikunova, Theophilos Maltezopoulos, Armin Azima, Moritz Schlie, Ulrike Frühling, Patrick Rüdiger, Harald Redlin, Roland Kalms, Marek Wieland, and Markus Drescher
12:00 |
A 2.4 |
Beobachtung des Tunnelns von Elektronen durch Doppler-Elektronenspektroskopie — •Rainer Hentges, Burkhard Langer, Oliver Kugeler, Uwe Hergenhahn, Arno Ehresmann und Uwe Becker
12:15 |
A 2.5 |
Two photon double ionization of He+: autocorrelation of soft x-ray FEL pulses — •Björn Siemer, Sebastian Roling, Rolf Mitzner, Tino Noll, Andrei Sorokin, Mathias Richter, Kai Tiedtke, Wolfgang Eberhardt, and Helmut Zacharias