Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 27: Ultra-Cold Atoms, Ions and BEC III (with Q)
Donnerstag, 5. März 2009, 14:00–16:00, VMP 6 HS-C
14:00 |
A 27.1 |
Quantum gases of ultracold polar molecules — •Silke Ospelkaus
14:30 |
A 27.2 |
Quantum Gases under Electron Bombardment — •Herwig Ott, Tatjana Gericke, Peter Würtz, Tim Langen, and Andreas Koglbauer
15:00 |
A 27.3 |
Trap assisted creation of giant molecules and Rydberg-mediated coherent charge transfer in a Penning trap — •Igor Lesanovsky, Markus Müller, and Peter Zoller
15:15 |
A 27.4 |
Collective effects in ultracold atomic clouds interacting with a high-finesse resonator — •Simone Bux, Gordon Krenz, Sebastian Slama, Philippe Courteille, and Claus Zimmermann
15:30 |
A 27.5 |
Scattering of ultra-cold atoms by nano-cylinders — •Andrés Naranjo, Javier Madroñero, and Harald Friedrich
15:45 |
A 27.6 |
Oscillation and stability of Dark-Bright solitons in cigar-shaped BECs — •Stephan Middelkamp, Panayotis Kevrekidis, and Peter Schmelcher