Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
A 4: Electron Scattering and Recombination
Montag, 2. März 2009, 14:00–16:00, VMP 6 HS-E
14:00 |
A 4.1 |
Relativistic quantum dynamics in extremely strong electromagnetic fields — •Andrey Surzhykov, Anton Artemyev, Stephan Fritzsche, and Thomas Stöhlker
14:30 |
A 4.2 |
Trielectronic Recombination with K-Shell Excitation — •Christian Beilmann, Octavian Postavaru, Rainer Ginzel, Christoph H. Keitel, Volkhard Mäckel, Paul H. Mokler, Martin C. Simon, Hiro Tawara, Joachim Ullrich, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Zoltán Harman
15:00 |
A 4.3 |
Trielectronic Recombination with K-Shell Excitation — •Christian Beilmann, Octavian Postavaru, Rainer Ginzel, Christoph H. Keitel, Volkhard Mäckel, Paul H. Mokler, Martin C. Simon, Hiro Tawara, Joachim Ullrich, José R. Crespo López-Urrutia, and Zoltán Harman
15:30 |
A 4.4 |
Electron-Positron Pair Creation in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Described in a Molecular View — •Sven Augustin and Werner Scheid
15:45 |
A 4.5 |
Dielectronic recombination by excitation within the n=3 shell for iron ions in astrophysical plasmas — •Michael Lestinsky, Nigel R. Badnell, Dietrich Bernhardt, Manfred Grieser, Jens Hoffmann, Dragan Lukic, Alfred Müller, Dmitry Orlov, Roland Repnow, Eike W. Schmidt, Michael Schnell, Stefan Schippers, Deyang Yu, Andreas Wolf, and Daniel W. Savin