Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 2: Biomoleküle 1
Montag, 2. März 2009, 14:00–16:00, VMP 6 HS-F
14:00 |
MO 2.1 |
IR/UV double resonance spectroscopy on reactive isolated molecules in the S1 and T1 states — •Kristina Bartl, Andreas Funk, and Markus Gerhards
14:15 |
MO 2.2 |
IR/UV investigations on an isolated cyclic tetrapeptide and its clusters with water — •Kirsten Schwing, Stefan Kubik, and Markus Gerhards
14:30 |
MO 2.3 |
Ac-AlanLysH+ in vacuo: secondary structure of polyalanine peptides part I — •Frauke Bierau, Peter Kupser, Gert von Helden, Mariana Rossi, Volker Blum, Matthias Scheffler, and Gerard Meijer
14:45 |
MO 2.4 |
Ac-AlanLysH+ in vacuo: secondary structure of polyalanine peptides part II (Density Functional Theory) — •Mariana Rossi, Volker Blum, Peter Kupser, Gert von Helden, Frauke Bierau, Gerard Meijer, and Matthias Scheffler
15:00 |
MO 2.5 |
Light-harvesting complexes in a membrane environment: A time-resolved fluorescence study — •Tobias Pflock, Florian Spreitler, June Southall, Richard Cogdell, Jürgen Köhler, and Silke Oellerich
15:15 |
MO 2.6 |
Energietransfer B800-B850 in mutierten LH2-Antennenkomplexen — •Thomas Brust, Simone Draxler, Andrea Rauh, Martina V. Silber, Paula Braun, Wolfgang Zinth und Markus Braun
15:30 |
MO 2.7 |
Design Criteria for Optimal Photosynthetic Energy Conversion — •Benjamin Fingerhut, Wolfgang Zinth, and Regina de Vivie-Riedle
15:45 |
MO 2.8 |
Quantitative detection of cholesterol in stratum corneum model systems by coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microspectroscopy — •Gregor Hehl, Alexander Kovalev, Patincharath Nandakumar, and Andreas Volkmer