16:30 |
MO 23.1 |
Alkali-helium snowballs formed on helium nanodroplets — Severin Müller, •Raphael Katzy, Marcel Mudrich, and Frank Stienkemeier
16:30 |
MO 23.2 |
Vibrational wave packet dynamics of Rb2 formed on helium nanodroplets — •Philipp Heister, Thomas Hippler, Marcel Mudrich, and Frank Stienkemeier
16:30 |
MO 23.3 |
High resolution electronic spectroscopy of porphyrine derivatives in superfluid helium nanodroplets — •Ricarda Riechers and Alkwin Slenczka
16:30 |
MO 23.4 |
A damping model for molecular dynamics on helium nanodroplets — •Martin Schlesinger, Walter Strunz, Marcel Mudrich, and Frank Stienkemeier
16:30 |
MO 23.5 |
Spektroskopie an dotierten Heliumtropfen — •Sebastian Göde, Andreas Przystawik, Josef Tiggesbäumker und Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer
16:30 |
MO 23.6 |
Calculation of resonant interatomic Coulombic decay widths of inner-valence-excited states delocalized due to inversion symmetry — •Sören Kopelke, Kirill Gokhberg, Lorenz Cederbaum, and Vitali Averbukh
16:30 |
MO 23.7 |
Fusion and scattering mechanism in C60-C60 collisions — •Jan Handt and Rüdiger Schmidt
16:30 |
MO 23.8 |
Spectroscopy of thin molecular films under ultrahigh vacuum conditions using tapered optical fibres — •Ariane Stiebeiner, Olga Rehband, David C. Papencordt, Ruth Garcia-Fernandez, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:30 |
MO 23.9 |
Starkeffekt-induzierte Prädissoziation von H3 — •Frank Baumgartner, Peer Fechner und Hanspeter Helm
16:30 |
MO 23.10 |
Characterization and optimization of a femtosecond high-order harmonic VUV photon source for investigating ultrafast molecular dynamics — •Torsten Leitner, Philippe Wernet, Kai Godehusen, Olaf Schwarzkopf, Tino Noll, Jerome Gaudin, Andrei Sorokin, Henrik Schoeppe, Mathias Richter, and Wolfgang Eberhardt
16:30 |
MO 23.11 |
Development of broadly tunable cw narrowband mid-IR laser source for molecular spectroscopy — •Sergey Vasilyev, Stephan Schiller, Alexander Nevsky, Arnaud Grisard, David Faye, Eric Lallier, Zhaowei Zhang, Morten Ibsen, Andrew Clarkson, Peter Kaspersen, Axel Bohman, and Peter Geiser
16:30 |
MO 23.12 |
A new XUV Autocorrelator for Pump-Probe Experiments and Pulse Diagnostics at FLASH — Michel Toppin, Oliver Herrwerth, Matthias Lezius, Matthias Kling, Moritz Kurka, Artem Rudenko, Claus Dieter Schröter, Yuhai Jiang, Kai-Uwe Kühnel, Lutz Foucar, Rolf Treusch, Michael Gensch, •Robert Moshammer, and Joachim Ullrich
16:30 |
MO 23.13 |
Lifetime vibrational interference during the CO 1s−1 π∗ (vr) resonance excitation investigated by the CO+ (A 2Π → X 2Σ+) dispersed fluorescence — •Philipp Reiß, Witoslaw Kielich, Andre Knie, Rainer Hentges, Irina Haar, Philipp V. Demekhin, Ivan D. Petrov, Viktor L. Sukhorukov, and Arno Ehresmann
16:30 |
MO 23.14 |
Lifetime vibrational interference during the CO 1s−1 π∗ (vr) resonance excitation investigated by the CO+ (A 2Π → X 2Σ+) dispersed fluorescence — •Philipp Reiß, Witoslaw Kielich, Andre Knie, Rainer Hentges, Irina Haar, Philipp V. Demekhin, Ivan D. Petrov, Viktor L. Sukhorukov, and Arno Ehresmann
16:30 |
MO 23.15 |
Absorption and energy transfer of molecular aggregates — •Jan Roden, Walter Strunz, John Briggs, and Alexander Eisfeld