14:00 |
MS 2.1 |
PENTATRAP: A precision Penning trap mass spectrometer for highly-charged ions — •Sergey Eliseev, Jose Crespo López-Urrutia, Christoph Diehl, Sebastian George, Jens Ketelaer, Szilard Nagy, Yuri Novikov, David Pinegar, Wolfgang Quint, Julia Repp, Christian Roux, Andreas Rosa, Stefan Ulmer, and Klaus Blaum
14:30 |
MS 2.2 |
Penning trap setup and detection principle at the PENTA-TRAP project. — •Julia Repp, Sergey Eliseev, Sebastian George, Andreas Rosa, Christian Roux, and Klaus Blaum
14:45 |
MS 2.3 |
Preparation of a tritium Q-value measurement in a double Penning trap — •Christoph Diehl, David Pinegar, Robert Van Dyck Jr., Christoph Orth, and Klaus Blaum
15:00 |
MS 2.4 |
Broad-band FT-ICR detection at the Penning trap mass spectrometer TRIGA-TRAP — •Konstantin Knuth, Klaus Blaum, Michael Block, Klaus Eberhardt, Martin Eibach, Frank Herfurth, Jens Ketelaer, Jochen Ketter, Szilard Nagy, Julia Repp, Christian Smorra, Sven Sturm, and Stefan Ulmer
15:15 |
MS 2.5 |
Status der MATS Facility — •Gerrit Marx, Lutz Schweikhard, Klaus Blaum, Michael Block, Christopher Geppert, Frank Herfurth, A. Herlert, Wilfried Noerteshaeuser, W. Plass, Lutz Schweikhard, Peter Thirolf und die MATS collaboration
15:30 |
MS 2.6 |
Status des WITCH Experimentes — •Marcus Beck, Peter Friedag, Jonas Mader, Christian Weinheimer, Nausikaa Geeraert, Nathal Severijns, Michael Tandecki, Emil Traykov, Simon van Gorp, Frederik Wauters, Alexander Herlert und die ISOLDE Kollaboration
15:45 |
MS 2.7 |
Recent results from the Penning trap mass spectrometer JYFLTRAP — •Christine Weber, Viki-Veikko Elomaa, Tommi Eronen, Jani Hakala, Ari Jokinen, Anu Kankainen, Saidur Rahaman, Juho Rissanen, and Juha Äystö