Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MS 7: Poster
Dienstag, 3. März 2009, 16:00–18:00, VMP 9 Poster
16:00 |
MS 7.1 |
The MPIK/UW-PTMS: a tool for a precision measurement of the 3H/3He mass ratio — •Christoph Diehl, David Pinegar, Robert Van Dyck Jr., and Klaus Blaum
16:00 |
MS 7.2 |
Measurement principle and setup of detection electronics at the PENTATRAP project — •Christian Roux, Jose Crespo Lopez-Urrutia, Christoph Diehl, Sebastian George, Jens Ketelaer, Szilard Nagy, Yuri Novikov, David Pinegar, Wolfgang Quint, Julia Repp, Andreas Rosa, Stefan Ulmer, and Klaus Blaum
16:00 |
MS 7.3 |
Quadrupole deflector of the double Penning trap system MLLTRAP [*] — •Eva Gartzke, Veli Kolhinen, Dietrich Habs, Jürgen Neumayr, Christian Schürmann, Jerzy Szerypo, and Peter Thirolf
16:00 |
MS 7.4 |
Carbon cluster mass calibration at the double Penning trap mass spectrometer TRIGA-TRAP — •Christian Smorra, Klaus Blaum, Klaus Eberhardt, Martin Eibach, Frank Herfurth, Jens Ketelaer, Jochen Ketter, Konstantin Knuth, and Szilard Nagy
16:00 |
MS 7.5 |
Manipulation der Ionenbewegung in einer Paulfalle — •Steffi Bandelow, Gerrit Marx und Lutz Schweikhard
16:00 |
MS 7.6 |
Design of a switchable low-noise power supply — •Jochen Ketter, Klaus Blaum, Jens Ketelaer, Szilard Nagy, and Sven Sturm
16:00 |
MS 7.7 |
Entwicklung einer direkten Online-Einbringung für die Resonazionisations - Massenspektrometrie — •Silke Fies, Sebastian Raeder, Norbert Trautmann und Klaus Wendt
16:00 |
MS 7.8 |
An electrostatic mass separator for ISOLTRAP — •Robert Wolf, M. Breitenfeldt, Alexander Herlert, Gerrit Marx, and Lutz Schweikhard