Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 13: Quanteninformation: Konzepte III
Montag, 2. März 2009, 16:30–18:00, VMP 6 HS-D
16:30 |
Q 13.1 |
Quantitative verification of entanglement from incomplete measurement data — •Harald Wunderlich and Martin B. Plenio
16:45 |
Q 13.2 |
Detection of entanglement with high statistical significance — •Sönke Niekamp, Bastian Jungnitsch, Matthias Kleinmann, and Otfried Gühne
17:00 |
Q 13.3 |
Detector-level entanglement of identical particles — •Malte Christopher Tichy, Fernando de Melo, Florian Mintert, Marek Kuś, and Andreas Buchleitner
17:15 |
Q 13.4 |
Triplet-like correlation symmetry of 2-mode continuous variable entangled states — •Gerd Leuchs, Ruifang Dong, and Denis Sych
17:30 |
Q 13.5 |
Global Effects of Locally Noneffective Unitary Operations — •Hermann Kampermann, Sevag Gharibian, and Dagmar Bruß
17:45 |
Q 13.6 |
Concepts of simultaneity in quantum measurements — •Michael Bußhardt and Matthias Freyberger