Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 18: Quanteninformation: Photonen I
Dienstag, 3. März 2009, 10:30–12:30, VMP 6 HS-D
10:30 |
Q 18.1 |
Experimental Demonstration of a Heralded Entanglement Source — •Claudia Wagenknecht, Che-Ming Li, Alexander Goebel, Yu-Ao Chen, Xiao-Hui Bao, Qiang Zhang, and Jian-Wei Pan
10:45 |
Q 18.2 |
Heralded Single Photons from Cavity-Enhanced Parametric Down-Conversion — •Lars Koch, Matthias Scholz, and Oliver Benson
11:00 |
Q 18.3 |
Shaping the Phase of a Single Photon — •Holger Specht, Jörg Bochmann, Eden Figueroa, David Moehring, Martin Mücke, Christian Nölleke, Stephan Ritter, and Gerhard Rempe
11:15 |
Q 18.4 |
A High-Temperature Single-Photon Source from Nanowire Quantum Dots — •Thomas Aichele, Adrien Tribu, Gregory Sallen, Catherine Bougerol, Régis André, Jean-Philippe Poizat, Serge Tatarenko, and Kuntheak Kheng
11:30 |
Q 18.5 |
Characterisation of single photons by photon counting — •Kaisa Laiho, Malte Avenhaus, Katiuscia N. Cassemiro, and Christine Silberhorn
11:45 |
Q 18.6 |
Single Photon Source for an Ion Trap Quantum Network — •Jan Huwer, Marc Almendros, Felix Rohde, Carsten Schuck, Nicolas Piro, Markus Hennrich, Francois Dubin, and Jürgen Eschner
12:00 |
Q 18.7 |
Ion-trap single-photon source for quantum networks — •Helena G. Barros, Andreas Stute, Tracy Northup, Carlos Russo, Piet O. Schmidt, and Rainer Blatt
12:15 |
Q 18.8 |
A bright source of indistinguishable triggered single photons — •Yves Rezus, Robert Lettow, Alois Renn, Stephan Götzinger, and Vahid Sandoghdar