Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 33: Quantengase: Bosonen
Mittwoch, 4. März 2009, 14:00–16:00, VMP 6 HS-A
14:00 |
Q 33.1 |
Von der Laserschwelle zum Quantenphasenübergang - und zurück — •Robert R. F. Graham
14:30 |
Q 33.2 |
Free expansion of a Bose-Einstein condensate in microgravity — •Wojciech Lewoczko-Adamczyk, Achim Peters, Tim van Zoest, Ernst Rasel, Wolfgang Ertmer, Anika Vogel, Kai Bongs, Klaus Sengstock, Endre Kajari, Reinhold Walser, Wolfgang Schleich, Thorben Könemann, Klaus Lämmerzahl, and Hansjörg Dittus
15:00 |
Q 33.3 |
Towards a BEC of Strontium — •Simon Stellmer, Rudolf Grimm, and Florian Schreck
15:15 |
Q 33.4 |
Casimir energy of a BEC: from moderate interactions to the ideal gas — •Jürgen Schiefele and Carsten Henkel
15:30 |
Q 33.5 |
Creation and detection of a mesoscopic gas in a non-local quantum superposition — •Christoph Weiss and Yvan Castin
15:45 |
Q 33.6 |
Multi-resonant amplification in a trapped spinor condensate — •Gebremedhn Gebreyesus, Philipp Hyllus, and Luis Santos