Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 40: Quanteneffekte: Interferenz und Korrelationen II
Mittwoch, 4. März 2009, 16:30–18:00, VMP 6 HS-E
16:30 |
Q 40.1 |
Eine Quanten-Irrfahrt in der Paulfalle — •Hector Schmitz, Robert Matjeschk, Christian Schneider, Jan Glückert, Axel Friedenauer und Tobias Schaetz
16:45 |
Q 40.2 |
A semiclassical approach for the fidelity decay of δ-kicked atoms — •Martina Abb, Italo Guarneri, and Sandro Wimberger
17:00 |
Q 40.3 |
Electromagnetically induced absorption as a consequence of quantum interference — •Hsiang-Shun Chou and Jörg Evers
17:15 |
Q 40.4 |
Intensity-field correlation of single-atom resonance fluorescence — •Sebastian Gerber, Lukas Slodicka, Daniel Rotter, Jürgen Eschner, Howard Carmichael, and Rainer Blatt
17:30 |
Q 40.5 |
Spontaneous photon transfer by coupling a two-mode light field to an atomic reservoir — •Gor Nikoghosyan and Michael Fleischhauer
17:45 |
Q 40.6 |
Investigation of spatial correlation of biphotons using a blazed grating — •Dirk Puhlmann and Martin Ostermeyer