Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 47: Quantengase: Gitter und Tunneln I
Donnerstag, 5. März 2009, 14:00–16:00, Audi-A
14:00 |
Q 47.1 |
Controlling a magnetic Feshbach resonance with laser light — •Matthias Lettner, Dominik M. Bauer, Christoph Vo, Gerhard Rempe, and Stephan Dürr
14:15 |
Q 47.2 |
Collisional properties of metastable neon in different internal states — •Jan Schütz, Jonas Keller, Matthias Euler, Norbert Herschbach, and Gerhard Birkl
14:30 |
Q 47.3 |
The non-Abelian Ring: Interferometer & Josephson Effects — •Michael Merkl, Frank E. Zimmer, Patrik Ohberg, and Gediminas Juzeliunas
14:45 |
Q 47.4 |
Probing Atom-Wall interactions by Quantum Reflection of Bose-Einstein Condensates — •Naceur Gaaloul for the Quantus Team, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst Rasel
15:00 |
Q 47.5 |
Stability of Bloch oscillations in certain interacting BECs — •Christopher Gaul, Cord Axel Müller, Rodrigo de Lima, Elena Díaz García, and Francisco Dominguez-Adame
15:15 |
Q 47.6 |
Solitonic eigenstates of the chaotic Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian — •Tobias Zech, Hannah Venzl, Bartłomiej Oleś, Moritz Hiller, Florian Mintert, and Andreas Buchleitner
15:30 |
Q 47.7 |
Particle number squeezing in a two-well system — •Cédric Bodet and Thomas Gasenzer
15:45 |
Q 47.8 |
Resonance solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation in an open double-well potential — Kevin Rapedius and •Hans Jürgen Korsch