Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 53: Ultrakurze Pulse: Anwendungen III
Donnerstag, 5. März 2009, 16:30–17:45, VMP 6 HS-A
16:30 |
Q 53.1 |
Concepts of phase, amplitude, and polarization shaping — •Fabian Weise, Stefan M. Weber, Mateusz Plewicki, Ludger Wöste, and Albrecht Lindinger
16:45 |
Q 53.2 |
Controlling spectral hole intensities via self-phase modulation using tailored fs laser pulses — •Jens Köhler, Tillmann Kalas, Cristian Sarpe-Tudoran, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
17:00 |
Q 53.3 |
Pulse characterization in the UV down to 263 nm by autocorrelation measurement using diamond photodiodes — •Fabian Kleimeier, Thorben Haarlammert, Jean-Francois Hochedez, Ali BenMoussa, Udo Schühle, and Helmut Zacharias
17:15 |
Q 53.4 |
Self-referencing of optical frequency combs — •C. Grebing, S. Koke, and G. Steinmeyer
17:30 |
Q 53.5 |
Chromatic dispersion spectrometer for joint spectral measurements — Malte Avenhaus, •Andreas Eckstein, Peter Mosley, and Christine Silberhorn