Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 57: Photonik I
Freitag, 6. März 2009, 10:30–12:30, Audi-A
10:30 |
Q 57.1 |
Visualization of the Gödel Universe — •Michael Buser, Endre Kajari, Wolfgang P. Schleich, Frank Grave, Günter Wunner, and Hanns Ruder
10:45 |
Q 57.2 |
Detection and Spectroscopy of Preselected Single Nanoparticles Soft-Landed on Optical Fibre Tapers — •Alexander Kuhlicke, Markus Gregor, and Oliver Benson
11:00 |
Q 57.3 |
Integrated photonic devices in organic media for optical networks — •Christian Stark, Jens Adams, Jonas Gortner, and Susanna Orlic
11:15 |
Q 57.4 |
Amplitude and Phase Dynamics in Silicon Compatible Waveguides with Highest Kerr-Nonlinearities — •Nicole Lindenmann, Thomas Vallaitis, René Bonk, Christian Koos, Wolfgang Freude, and Juerg Leuthold
11:30 |
Q 57.5 |
Superkontinuumserzeugung in einem Glasfaser-Ringresonator — •Sebastian Knitter, Michael Böhm, Felix Bremerkamp und Fedor Mitschke
11:45 |
Q 57.6 |
Nonlinear optics and interferometric sensing with subwavelength-diameter optical fibres — •Dimitri Pritzkau, Ulrich Wiedemann, Konstantin Karapetyan, Wolfgang Alt, and Dieter Meschede
12:00 |
Q 57.7 |
Optimization of microcavities in diamond-based photonic crystals — •Janine Riedrich-Möller, Elke Neu, and Christoph Becher
12:15 |
Q 57.8 |
A fully tunable ultra-high Q whispering-gallery-mode microresonator – experimental results and use for ultralow-power photonics applications. — •Michael Pöllinger, Danny O’Shea, and Arno Rauschenbeutel