Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 58: Quanteninformation: Atome und Ionen III
Freitag, 6. März 2009, 10:30–12:00, VMP 6 HS-A
10:30 |
Q 58.1 |
a millisecond quantum memory for scalable quantum networks — •bo zhao, yuao chen, xiaohun bao, thorsten strassel, chihsung chuu, xianmin jin, jörg schmiedmayer, zhensheng yuan, shuai chen, and jianwei pan
10:45 |
Q 58.2 |
Detection and engineering of spatial entanglement with ultra-cold bosons — John Goold, Libby Heany, •Thomas Busch, and Vlatko Vedral
11:00 |
Q 58.3 |
Test der Quanten-Jarzynski-Gleichung mit kalten Ionen in einer segmentierten Paul-Falle — •Gerhard Huber, Sebastian Deffner, Eric Lutz und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
11:15 |
Q 58.4 |
Simulation of an Acoustic Black Holes on an Ion Ring — •Birger Horstmann, Benni Reznik, Diego Porras, and Ignacio Cirac
11:30 |
Q 58.5 |
Deterministic reordering of 40Ca+ ions in a linear, segmented Paultrap — •Maximilian Harlander, Michael Brownnutt, Felicity Splatt, Wolfgang Hänsel, and Rainer Blatt
11:45 |
Q 58.6 |
Coupling trapped ions via transmission lines — Sankaranarayanan S, Sönke Möller, Rob Clark, •Nikos Daniilidis, and Hartmut Häffner