Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 63: Quanteninformation: Quantencomputer
Freitag, 6. März 2009, 14:00–16:15, VMP 6 HS-A
14:00 |
Q 63.1 |
Optimal Control of Open Quantum Systems: Markovian and non-Markovian — •Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen, Andreas Spörl, Patrick Rebentrost, Frank Wilhelm, and Steffen Glaser
14:15 |
Q 63.2 |
Quantum gates between atoms coupled by a nano-wire — •David Dzsotjan and Michael Fleischhauer
14:30 |
Q 63.3 |
Demonstration of a geometric two ion/qubit phase gate on the radial modes of motion — •Thomas Huber, Hector Schmitz, Christian Schneider, Martin Enderlein, and Tobias Schaetz
14:45 |
Q 63.4 |
Dynamic polarization of single nuclear spins in a room temperature diamond — •Philipp Neumann, Vincent Jacques, Johannes Beck, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
15:00 |
Q 63.5 |
Simple quantum algorithms at room temperature using a 3-qubit register in diamond — •Johannes Beck, Phillip Neumann, Norikazu Mizuochi, Matthias Steiner, Florian Rempp, Vincent Jacques, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
15:15 |
Q 63.6 |
Measurement-Based Quantum Computation in Realistic Spin-1 Chains — •Joseph M. Renes, Gavin Brennen, Stephen D. Bartlett, and Akimasa Miyake
15:30 |
Q 63.7 |
Scaling of passive quantum memories — •Fernando Pastawski, Alastair Kay, Norbert Schuch, and Juan Ignacio Cirac
15:45 |
Q 63.8 |
Most quantum states are too entangled to be useful as computational resources — •David Gross, Steve Flammia, and Jens Eisert
16:00 |
Q 63.9 |
Interacting electrons, Density Functional Theory, and Quantum Merlin Arthur — •Norbert Schuch and Frank Verstraete