Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 64: Quanteneffekte: Verschränkung
Freitag, 6. März 2009, 14:00–16:30, VMP 6 HS-D
14:00 |
Q 64.1 |
Violation of local realism with freedom of choice — •Thomas Scheidl, Rupert Ursin, Johannes Kofler, Sven Ramelow, Xiaosong Ma, Thomas Herbst, Lothar Ratschbacher, Alessandro Fedrizzi, Nathan Langford, Thomas Jennewein, and Anton Zeilinger
14:15 |
Q 64.2 |
Entangled Quantum Systems in Number Theory — •Rüdiger Mack and Wolfgang P. Schleich
14:30 |
Q 64.3 |
2D Spatial Entanglement Characterization of Biphotons — •Dietmar Korn, Dirk Puhlmann, Sebastian Wander, Robert Elsner, and Martin Ostermeyer
14:45 |
Q 64.4 |
Dissociation-induced entanglement in the motion of material particles — •Clemens Gneiting and Klaus Hornberger
15:00 |
Q 64.5 |
Structures in entanglement dynamics — •Markus Tiersch, Fernando de Melo, and Andreas Buchleitner
15:15 |
Q 64.6 |
Testing the spin-statistics theorem with a pair of entangled particles — •Christian Roos and Hartmut Häffner
15:30 |
Q 64.7 |
Coherent single surface-plasmon transport in a nanowire coupled to double quantum dots — •Guang-Yin Chen, Yueh-Nan Chen, Niel Lambert, Florian Mintert, Der-San Chuu, and Andreas Buchleitner
15:45 |
Q 64.8 |
Steady state entanglement in the mechanical vibrations of two dielectric membranes — •Michael Hartmann and Martin Plenio
16:00 |
Q 64.9 |
Generation of Long-lived Entanglement on Demand in Remote Qubits — •Uwe Schilling, Christoph Thiel, Thierry Bastin, Enrique Solano, and Joachim von Zanthier
16:15 |
Q 64.10 |
Creation and control of atomic entanglement by means of optical cavities — •Denis Gonta and Stephan Fritzsche