Hamburg 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 9: Quanteninformation: Konzepte II
Montag, 2. März 2009, 14:00–16:00, VMP 6 HS-D
14:00 |
Q 9.1 |
Sequentially generated states for the study of two dimensional systems — •Mari-Carmen Banuls, David Perez-Garcia, Michael M. Wolf, Frank Verstraete, and J. Ignacio Cirac
14:15 |
Q 9.2 |
Random states with an energy constraint — •Markus Müller, Jens Eisert, and David Gross
14:30 |
Q 9.3 |
Real Space Renormalization Group Approach for Systems with Random Couplings. — •Oleg Gittsovich, Enrique Rico, and Hans J. Briegel
14:45 |
Q 9.4 |
Pairing in fermionic systems: A quantum information perspective — •Christina Kraus, Michael Wolf, Ignacio Cirac, and Geza Giedke
15:00 |
Q 9.5 |
Adiabatic Preparation with Nonlinear Paths — •Gernot Schaller
15:15 |
Q 9.6 |
Measuring mixed-state entanglement via antilinear operators — •Oliver Viehmann, Jens Siewert, Andreas Osterloh, and Armin Uhlmann
15:30 |
Q 9.7 |
Entanglement Generation in Clifford Quantum Cellular Automata — •Johannes Gütschow, Zoltán Zimborás, and Reinhard Werner
15:45 |
Q 9.8 |
Factorization with Gauss Sums — •Sabine Wölk, Wolfgang Merkel, and Wolfgang Schleich