München 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 18: Beyond The Standard Model (Theorie) 2
Donnerstag, 12. März 2009, 16:45–18:15, M114
16:45 |
T 18.1 |
Higgs couplings in the MSSM at large tanβ — Martin Beneke, Pedro Ruiz-Femenía, and •Martin Spinrath
17:00 |
T 18.2 |
Collider signals beyond minimal flavor violation in the MSSM — •Michael Rauch and Michael Spannowsky
17:15 |
T 18.3 |
Pinning down the Invisible Sneutrino — •Tania Robens, Jan Kalinowski, Wolfgang Kilian, Juergen Reuter, and Krzysztof Rolbiecki
17:30 |
T 18.4 |
Gluinonia - Spektren, Produktion und Zerfall — •Matthias Kauth, Johann H. Kühn, Matthias Steinhauser und Peter Marquard
17:45 |
T 18.5 |
Spin Analysis for Gluino Decay — •Lisa Edelhäuser, Werner Porod, and Ritesh Singh
18:00 |
T 18.6 |
Distinguishing spins in decay chains with photons at the Large Hadron Collider — Wolfgang Ehrenfeld, Ayres Freitas, •Ananda Landwehr, and Daniel Wyler