München 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 21: Neutrinophysik (Theorie) 2
Freitag, 13. März 2009, 14:00–15:45, M109
14:00 |
T 21.1 |
Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions with Matter from Physics Beyond the Standard Model — Stefan Antusch, •Jochen P. Baumann, and Enrique Fernandez-Martinez
14:15 |
T 21.2 |
Large gauge-invariant non-standard neutrino interaction — •Toshihiko Ota, Belen Gavela, Daniel Hernandez, and Walter Winter
14:30 |
T 21.3 |
Lepton Flavor and CP Violation in mSUGRA — Frank Deppisch, •Florian Plentinger, Werner Porod, Reinhold Rückl, and Gerhart Seidl
14:45 |
T 21.4 |
Lepton-Flavor violation in a neutrino mass model with discrete S3 symmetry — •Philipp Leser and Heinrich Päs
15:00 |
T 21.5 |
Neutrinos and Trinification — •Christophe Cauet, Heinrich Päs, and Sören Wiesenfeldt
15:15 |
T 21.6 |
Neutrino masses in supersymmetric models with broken R-parity — •Stefan Liebler
15:30 |
T 21.7 |
Neutrino masses and Lepton-Flavor violation in R-Parity violating Supersymmetry — Heinrich Päs and •Daniel Pidt