München 2009 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 23: Theoretische Astroteilchenphysik und Kosmologie 2
Dienstag, 10. März 2009, 16:45–18:45, M114
16:45 |
T 23.1 |
Solving the η - Problem in Hybrid Inflation with Heisenberg Symmetry and Stabilized Modulus — Stefan Antusch, Mar Bastero-Gil, Koushik Dutta, Steve King, and •Philipp Kostka
17:00 |
T 23.2 |
Inflationary perturbation spectra from Lorentz violating dissipative models — •Julian Adamek, David Campo, Jens Niemeyer, and Renaud Parentani
17:15 |
T 23.3 |
The cosmological QCD phase transition in a more general setting — •Tillmann Boeckel
17:30 |
T 23.4 |
Kadanoff-Baym and Boltzmann Equations for a Toy Model of Leptogenesis — •Andreas Hohenegger, Alexander Kartavtsev, and Manfred Lindner
17:45 |
T 23.5 |
Leptogenesis is hot! - Thermal corrections — •Clemens Kießig
18:00 |
T 23.6 |
Dirac-Leptogenese auf mehreren Throats — •Andreas Bechinger, Reinhold Rückl und Gerhart Seidl
18:15 |
T 23.7 |
Phenomenology of Hybrid Scenarios of Neutrino Dark Energy — Stefan Antusch, Subinoy Das, and •Koushik Dutta
18:30 |
T 23.8 |
The smallness of the cosmological constant Λ — •Jürgen Brandes