Bonn 2010 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
EP 11: Exoplanets
Mittwoch, 17. März 2010, 15:15–16:45, AKM
15:15 |
EP 11.1 |
Warum der Mangel an kurzperiodischen massiven Exoplaneten? — •Ludmila Carone und Martin Pätzold
15:30 |
EP 11.2 |
Scientific Analysis of CoRoT Light Curves — •Juan Cabrera
15:45 |
EP 11.3 |
Structure and Composition of the CoRoT-7b Exoplanet — •Frank W. Wagner, Frank Sohl, Hauke Hussmann, Heike Rauer, and Matthias Grott
16:00 |
EP 11.4 |
Gravitational Perturbations in Exoplanetary Systems — •Szilard Csizmadia and CEST Team
16:15 |
EP 11.5 |
Plasma interaction between exoplanets and their host stars — •Timo Grambusch and Joachim Saur
16:30 |
EP 11.6 |
On the Detectability of Biomarkers in Extrasolar Super-Earth Atmospheres — •Heike Rauer, Adrian Belu, Stefanie Gebauer, Mareike Godolt, John Lee Grenfell, Daniel Kitzmann, Beate Patzer, Franck Selsis, Barbara Stracke, and Philip von Paris