17:45 |
EP 3.1 |
In-situ exploration of plaetary atmospheres with balloons — •Michael Danielides, Jaime Esper, Georg Herdrich, Klaus Bayler, and Hannes Griebel
17:45 |
EP 3.2 |
Space weather application center Ionosphere (SWACI) - a common data base for scientific research — N. Jakowski, C. Mayer, K.D. Missling, H. Barkmann, C. Becker, C. Borries, H. Maass, T. Noack, M. Tegler, V. Wilken, and •M. Danielides
17:45 |
EP 3.3 |
On the definition and calculation of a generalised McIlwain parameter — •Andreas Kopp, Julia Pilchowski, Klaudia Herbst, and Bernd Heber
17:45 |
EP 3.4 |
10Be Production Calculations in the Atmosphere — •Klaudia Herbst, Daniel Matthiä, Friedhelm Steinhilber, and Bernd Heber
17:45 |
EP 3.5 |
On the importance of the Local Interstellar Spectrum for the Solar Modulation Parameter — •Klaudia Herbst, Andreas Kopp, Bernd Heber, Friedhelm Steinhilber, Horst Fichtner, Klaus Scherer, and Daniel Matthiä
17:45 |
EP 3.6 |
EISCAT-CAWSES-Copernicus Consortium to support German EISCAT user groups — •Norbert Engler, Jürgen Röttger, and Renate Scherer
17:45 |
EP 3.7 |
Absorption von Radiowellen in der Venusatmosphäre — •Janusz Oschlisniok, Martin Pätzold, Bernd Häusler, Silvia Tellmann, Thomas Andert, Riccardo Mattei und Christopher Krüger
17:45 |
EP 3.8 |
Analysation of the influence of water and higher atmospheric pressure levels on the Martian radiation environment - implications for Martian habitability in the Noachian era — •Bent Ehresmann, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Sönke Burmeister, Jan Köhler, Onno Kortmann, and Thomas Möller
17:45 |
EP 3.9 |
Ionopausenstrukturen an Mars und Venus beobachtet von MaRS auf Mars Express und VeRa auf Venus Express — •Kerstin Peter, Martin Pätzold, Bernd Häusler, Silvia Tellmann, Dave Hinson und G.L. Tyler
17:45 |
EP 3.10 |
The APXS (Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer) within the Rosetta mission: Preliminary tests and preparations for landing on a comet — •Dirk Schmanke, Jordi Girones Lopez, Göstar Klingelhöfer, Jasmin Maul, Johannes Brückner, Ralf Gellert, and Claude d'Uston
17:45 |
EP 3.11 |
Current-sheet driven spectral modulation of MeV electrons in the Jovian magnetosphere: Ulysses observations — •Andreas Kopp, Phillip Dunzlaff, and Bernd Heber
17:45 |
EP 3.12 |
Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen mit der Detektionssoftware ExoTrans. Die Suche nach extrasolaren Planeten in Lichtkurven des Weltraumteleskops CoRoT. — •Sascha Grziwa, Ludmila Carone und Martin Pätzold
17:45 |
EP 3.13 |
Multi-strand coronal loop model and filter-ratio analysis — •Sofiane Bourouaine and Eckart Marsch
17:45 |
EP 3.14 |
Influence of radiative loss and heat conduction on the temperature variation in of a coronal bright point — •Setareh Javadi, Jörg Büchner, Jean-Carlo Santos, and Antonius Otto
17:45 |
EP 3.15 |
The influence of discrete scattering events on solar energetic particle propagation — •Jan Köhler and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
17:45 |
EP 3.16 |
Characterization of inorganic scintillators for the HET/EPD instrument on board Solar Orbiter — •Cesar Martin, Shrinivasrao Kulkarni, Daniel Sommerfeld, Björn Schuster, Onno Kortmann, Stephan Böttcher, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Lars Seimetz, Christiane Helmke, and Stefan Kolbe
17:45 |
EP 3.17 |
Heavy pickup ions at 1 AU — •Christian Drews, Lars Berger, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Antoinette B. Galvin, Berndt Klecker, and Eberhard Möbius
17:45 |
EP 3.18 |
Inner-Source Pickup Ions as sensitive Tracers of the Inner-Heliospheric Microstate — •Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Jan Köhler, and Peter Bochsler
17:45 |
EP 3.19 |
Experimental Investigation of Magnetic Flux Tubes — •Holger Stein, Jan Tenfelde, Philipp Kempkes, Felix Mackel, and Henning Soltwisch
17:45 |
EP 3.20 |
3D velocity distribution functions of heavy ions and kinetic properties of fast solar wind O6+ at 1 AU — •Lars Berger and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
17:45 |
EP 3.21 |
On the influence of the solar differential rotation on the heliospheric magnetic field — •Phillip Dunzlaff, Andreas Kopp, Bernd Heber, Klaus Scherer, Oliver Sternal, and Adri Burger
17:45 |
EP 3.22 |
Geant4-Simulations for EPT onboard Solar Orbiter — •Rolf Paspirgilis
17:45 |
EP 3.23 |
NMDB: towards a global neutron monitor database — •Christian T. Steigies and Karl-Ludwig Klein
17:45 |
EP 3.24 |
Almost monoenergetic ions during IP shock passages: STEREO/SEPT observations — Andreas Klassen, Raul Gomez-Herrero, Reinhold Müller-Mellin, and •Bernd Heber
17:45 |
EP 3.25 |
Suprathermal ions with STEREO/PLASTIC — Jan-Dirk Kohlmann, Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber, Christian Drews, Lars Berger, and •Antoinette B. Galvin
17:45 |
EP 3.26 |
Multi-point observations of CIR-associated energetic ions — Nina Dresing, Raul Gomez-Herrero, Olga Malandraki, Emilia Kilpua, •Bernd Heber, Andreas Klassen, Reinhold Müller-Mellin, and Robert F. Wimmer-Schweingruber
17:45 |
EP 3.27 |
Mesh adaptive numerical simulation of current sheet formation at quasi-separatrix layers — •Kay Thust, Frederic Effenberger, Jürgen Dreher, and Rainer Grauer
17:45 |
EP 3.28 |
Erkennung und Charakterisierung von Doppelsternsystemen aus Lichtkurven der Weltraummission CoRoT. — •Sascha Grziwa und Martin Pätzold
17:45 |
EP 3.29 |
Stellar Axion Models — •Daniel Nowakowski, Markus Kuster, Achim Weiss, Claudia-V. Meister, Florian Fülbert, and Dieter H. H. Hoffmann
17:45 |
EP 3.30 |
The X-shaped bulge of NGC 4710 — •Rainer Lütticke
17:45 |
EP 3.31 |
Particletransport in incompressible turbulent plasmas — •Sebastian Lange and Felix Spanier
17:45 |
EP 3.32 |
Weak Turbulence in Astrophysics — •Felix Spanier and Rami Vainio
17:45 |
EP 3.33 |
Langzeitmessung der Ortsdosisleistung auf Flughöhen — •Thomas Möller im Namen der RAMONA Kooperation
17:45 |
EP 3.34 |
Quasistable radiation belt in the slot region — •Johannes Labrenz, Sönke Burmeister, Thomas Berger, Günther Reitz, Bernd Heber, and Rudolf Beaujean
17:45 |
EP 3.35 |
Physikalische Voraussetzungen für einen Raumfahrtantrieb mit Schwerpunktversatz durch gegenläufige Präzession — •Peter Kümmel