Bonn 2010 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
EP 6: Heliosphere II
Dienstag, 16. März 2010, 14:00–15:00, AKM
14:00 |
EP 6.1 |
Analytical and numerical study of dynamics of self-similarly evolving magnetic clouds — •Giorgi Dalakishvili, Giovanni Lapenta, Stefaan Poedts, and Andria Rogava
14:15 |
EP 6.2 |
Improved data analysis for EPHIN aboard SOHO — •Christoph Terasa, Raúl Gómez-Herrero, Andreas Klassen, Reinhold Müller-Mellin, and Bernd Heber
14:30 |
EP 6.3 |
Spatial gradients of galactic cosmic rays in the inner heliosphere at the end of solar cycle 23 — •Jan Gieseler, Bernd Heber, Nico De Simone, and Valeria Di Felice
14:45 |
EP 6.4 |
Time Variatons of MeV Electrons at high Latitudes and their Implications on Heliospheric Magnetic Field Models — •O. Sternal, R.A. Burger, P. Dunzlaff, N.E. Engelbrecht, S.E.S. Ferreira, H. Fichtner, B. Heber, A. Kopp, M.S. Potgieter, and K. Scherer