Bonn 2010 –
scientific programme
T 17: Beyond the Standard Model (Theorie) I
Monday, March 15, 2010, 16:45–19:15, HG XIV
16:45 |
T 17.1 |
Relation between dimensional reduction and dimensional regularization to two loops — •Jonas Kleine
17:00 |
T 17.2 |
Schwellenkorrekturen in Großen Vereinheitlichten Theorien — •Waldemar Martens, Luminita Mihaila, and Matthias Steinhauser
17:15 |
T 17.3 |
On the calculation of threshold corrections in the constrained exceptional supersymmetric standard model (cE6SSM) — •Alexander Voigt
17:30 |
T 17.4 |
Production of squarks and gluinos at the LHC: The electroweak contributions — •Jan Germer, Wolfgang Hollik, Edoardo Mirabella, and Maike Trenkel-Lenz
17:45 |
T 17.5 |
Gluino pair production close to threshold — •Matthias Kauth, Johann H. Kühn, Peter Marquard, and Matthias Steinhauser
18:00 |
T 17.6 |
Soft-gluon resummation for squark and gluino hadroproduction — Wim Beenakker, •Silja Brensing, Michael Krämer, Anna Kulesza, Eric Laenen, and Irene Niessen
18:15 |
T 17.7 |
NNLO SUSY-QCD corrections to production and decay of Higgs-bosons at LHC — •Nikolai Zerf and Matthias Steinhauser
18:30 |
T 17.8 |
Higgs coupling to bottom quarks: SUSY QCD corrections at NNLO — Luminita Mihaila and •Christoph Reißer
18:45 |
T 17.9 |
Γ(Z→ bb) to NNLO in the MSSM — •Ralf Paulig
19:00 |
T 17.10 |
The strong coupling constant beyond the SUSY scale — Luminita Mihaila, •Jens Salomon, and Matthias Steinhauser