Bonn 2010 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 25: Gittereichtheorie I
Montag, 15. März 2010, 16:45–19:05, HG XIII
16:45 |
T 25.1 |
Lattice QCD at finite temperature using maximally twisted mass fermions — •Lars Zeidlewicz
17:00 |
T 25.2 |
Towards the Nf=2 deconfinement transition temperature with O(a) improved Wilson fermions — •Bastian B. Brandt, Owe Philipsen, Hartmut Wittig, and Lars Zeidlewicz
17:15 |
T 25.3 |
Effective potential for Polyakov loops from a center symmetric effective theory in three dimensions — •Dominik Smith
17:30 |
T 25.4 |
Polyakov loop effective action for thermal lattice QCD with heavy quarks — •Jens Langelage and Owe Philipsen
17:45 |
T 25.5 |
Dispersion relations in abelian and non-abelian plasmas — •Fritz Kretzschmar
18:00 |
T 25.6 |
The QCD Field Strength Correlator on the Lattice — •Janine Hütig und Owe Philipsen
18:15 |
T 25.7 |
A New Approach to the Gluon Structure Function — •Daniel Grünewald, Hans-Jürgen Pirner, and Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz
18:35 |
T 25.8 |
SU(2) in 2+1 dimensions: twisted boundary conditions, deconfinement, and universality — •Sam Edwards and Lorenz von Smekal
18:50 |
T 25.9 |
Confinement and infrared propagators in lattice Landau gauge — Axel Maas, Jan Martin Pawlowski, •Daniel Spielmann, Ion-Olimpiu Stamatescu, André Sternbeck, and Lorenz von Smekal