Bonn 2010 –
scientific programme
T 26: Gittereichtheorie II
Tuesday, March 16, 2010, 16:45–19:00, HG XIII
16:45 |
T 26.1 |
Hypercubic-symmetry breaking from minimally doubled fermion actions — •Johannes Weber, Hartmut Wittig, and Stefano Capitani
17:00 |
T 26.2 |
Lattice Perturbation Theory with Fermions in the Schrödinger Functional — •Dirk Hesse, Georg von Hippel, and Rainer Sommer
17:15 |
T 26.3 |
Fermion-Determinante in Gitter-QCD — •Björn Leder
17:30 |
T 26.4 |
Skalierungseigenschaften geschmierter Wirkungen — •Thorsten Kurth
17:45 |
T 26.5 |
Charm current-current correlators in twisted mass lattice QCD — •Marcus Petschlies
18:00 |
T 26.6 |
Lattice Investigations of Baryon Structure at Light Quark Masses — •Frank Winter
18:15 |
T 26.7 |
The form factors of the nucleon in a finite simulation volume — •Ludwig Greil, Thomas R. Hemmert, and Andreas Schäfer
18:30 |
T 26.8 |
Non perturbative analysis of the Higgs boson from a chiral invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model — •Jim Kallarackal, Philipp Gerhold, and Karl Jansen
18:45 |
T 26.9 |
Efficiently utilizing GPUs for Lattice QCD — •Matthias Bach, Olaf Kaczmarek, Wolfang Söldner, Christian Schmidt, and Piotr Bialas