A 19: Ultra-Cold Plasmas and Rydberg System
Thursday, March 11, 2010, 10:30–12:30, B 302
10:30 |
A 19.1 |
Invited Talk:
Bound by reflection: Binding mechanisms of ultralong range Rydberg molecules — •Weibin Li
11:00 |
A 19.2 |
Thermalization of a strongly interacting 1D Rydberg lattice gas — Beatriz Olmos, Markus Müller, and •Igor Lesanovsky
11:15 |
A 19.3 |
Quantum excitation transport in flexible atomic aggregates — •Sebastian Wüster, Cenap Ates, Alexander Eisfeld, and Jan-Michael Rost
11:30 |
A 19.4 |
Investigating Rydberg-Surface Interactions on an Atom Chip — •Atreju Tauschinsky, Rutger M.T. Thijssen, Shannon Whitlock, N.J. van Druten, H.B. van Linden van den Heuvell, and R.J.C. Spreeuw
11:45 |
A 19.5 |
High resolution spectra of ultralong-range Rydberg molecules — •Johannes Nipper, Vera Bendkowsky, Björn Butscher, Jonathan Balewski, James P. Shaffer, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
12:00 |
A 19.6 |
Controlling Interactions and Optical Properties of Cold Rydberg Gases — •Sevilay Sevincli and Thomas Pohl
12:15 |
A 19.7 |
Controlled qubit rotation using Rydberg level shifts — •Ulrich Krohn, Richard Abel, Christopher Carr, and Charles Adams