A 21: Interaction with Strong or Short Laser Pulses I
Thursday, March 11, 2010, 14:00–16:00, F 107
14:00 |
A 21.1 |
Invited Talk:
Acceleration of neutral atoms in strong short pulse laser fields — •Ulli Eichmann
14:30 |
A 21.2 |
On the Interference Picture in Molecular Intense-Laser Field Ionization — Yulian V. Vanne and •Alejandro Saenz
14:45 |
A 21.3 |
Raumaufgelöste Untersuchung der Ionisierung im Fokus hochintensiver Laserpulse — •Martin Schultze, Boris Bergues, Hartmut Schröder, Karl-Ludwig Kompa und Ferenc Krausz
15:00 |
A 21.4 |
An adiabatic approximation in time-dependent density functional theory based on ground-state spin-density functional theory — •Ingo Dreissigacker and Manfred Lein
15:15 |
A 21.5 |
HHG mit einem 2.1 µm Treiberlaser zur effizienten Erzeugung von weicher Röntgentstrahlung — •Wolfram Helml, Gilad Marcus, Yunpei Deng, Xun Gu, Reinhard Kienberger und Ferenc Krausz
15:30 |
A 21.6 |
Stern-Gerlach type analysis of atoms excited by a strong laser field — •Sebastian Eilzer, Thomas Nubbemeyer, Karsten Gorling, Ulli Eichmann, and Wolfgang Sandner
15:45 |
A 21.7 |
The Rescattering Effect in Strong-Field Photodetachment of Negative Ions. — •Boris Bergues, Hannes Hultgren, Igor Kiyan, Azra Gazibegović-Busuladžić, Dejan Milošević, and Wilhelm Becker