A 25: Precision Spectroscopy of Atoms and Ions III
Friday, March 12, 2010, 10:30–12:45, F 107
10:30 |
A 25.1 |
Characterisation of a laser source for spectroscopy of trapped highly charged bismuth ions — •Sebastian Albrecht, Gerhard Birkl, and the SPECTRAP collaboration
10:45 |
A 25.2 |
Fluoreszenznachweis für die kollineare Laserspektroskopie am TRIGA-Mainz — •Michael Hammen, Klaus Eberhardt, Christopher Geppert, Jörg Krämer, Andreas Krieger, Rodolfo Sánchez, Bastian Sieber, Wilfried Nörtershäuser und die TRIGA-SPEC-Kollaboration
11:00 |
A 25.3 |
Ein selbstangeregter Oszillator zur Messung der axialen Frequenz eines Protons in einer Penning-Falle — •Holger Kracke, Klaus Blaum, Andreas Mooser, Wolfgang Quint, Cricia Rodegheri, Stefan Ulmer und Jochen Walz
11:15 |
A 25.4 |
Application of electronic feedback to aproton stored in a cryogenic Penning trap — •Stefan Ulmer, Klaus Blaum, Holger Kracke, Andreas Mooser, Wolfgang Quint, Cricia Rodegheri, and Jochen Walz
11:30 |
A 25.5 |
Exciting and ionizing trapped highly charged ions with electrons and photons in an EBIT — •José R. Crespo López-Urrutia
11:45 |
A 25.6 |
Isotope shifts and hyperfine structure of the Fe I 372 nm resonance line — •Steffen Oppel, Stefanie Krins, Nicolas Huet, Joachim von Zanthier, and Thierry Bastin
12:00 |
A 25.7 |
Nuclear proton distributions explored by relativistic resonance fluorescence — •Octavian Postavaru, Zoltán Harman, and Christoph H. Keitel
12:15 |
A 25.8 |
A lifetime measurement of the 3p3/2 state in Mg+ inferred from the spectral line shape of the D2 transition — •Sebastian Knünz, Valentin Batteiger, Maximilian Herrmann, Theodor W. Hänsch, and Thomas Udem
12:30 |
A 25.9 |
Fortschritte bei der Auffindung bislang unbekannter Energieniveaus des Pr-Atoms — Shamim Khan, Tanveer Iqbal, Imran Siddiqui, Bettina Gamper, Günter H. Guthöhrlein und •Laurentius Windholz