Hannover 2010 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
MO 17: Biomolecules
Mittwoch, 10. März 2010, 16:30–19:00, F 142
16:30 |
MO 17.1 |
Fluorescence Excitation and Emission Spectroscopy on an individual light harvesting complex 2 from Rps. acidophila 10050 — •Ralf Kunz, Kõu Timpmann, Arvi Freiberg, Richard J. Cogdell, and Jürgen Köhler
16:45 |
MO 17.2 |
Long-lived fluorescence of 1,6-Diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene — •Katharina Hunger and Karl Kleinermanns
17:00 |
MO 17.3 |
Photostability of DNA building blocks — •Laura Buschhaus, Katharina Hunger, Sergey A. Kovalenko, and Karl Kleinermanns
17:15 |
MO 17.4 |
Gas phase infrared spectra and corresponding DFT calculations of α, ω diphenylpolyenes — •Michaela Braun, Lars Biemann, and Karl Kleinermanns
17:30 |
MO 17.5 |
Aggregation of nucleosides in CDCl3 studied by FTIR spectroscopy: From self-aggregation towards the Watson-Crick base pair — •Lars Biemann, Thomas Häber, Klaus Schaper, and Karl Kleinermanns
17:45 |
MO 17.6 |
Direct Determination of Milk Fat Content Using Raman Spectroscopy — •Rasha Hassanein, Pinkie Eravuchira, Patrice Donfack, Bernd von der Kammer, and Arnulf Materny
18:00 |
MO 17.7 |
Microhydration of two polyalanine-based peptides — •Sucismita Chutia, Mariana Rossi, Volker Blum, and Matthias Scheffler
18:15 |
MO 17.8 |
Simultaneous observation of ultrafast ligand dissociation and docking-site trapping in heme proteins using upconversion infrared spectroscopy — •Patrick Nuernberger, Kevin F. Lee, Adeline Bonvalet, Marten H. Vos, and Manuel Joffre
18:30 |
MO 17.9 |
Isolation of charged (bio)molecules in liquid helium nanodroplets — •Frauke Bierau, Peter Kupser, Gerard Meijer, and Gert von Helden
18:45 |
MO 17.10 |
(Un)folding polyalanines: probing high-temperature stability from first principles — •Mariana Rossi, Volker Blum, Alex Tkatchenko, and Matthias Scheffler