16:30 |
MS 2.1 |
Cold electron collisions at ion storage rings — •Andreas Wolf
17:00 |
MS 2.2 |
Photodissociation of dipeptide cations in an electrostatic ion storage ring — •Steen Brøndsted Nielsen
17:30 |
MS 2.3 |
A mass sensitive imaging detector for storage-ring molecular fragmentation studies — •Christian Nordhorn, Henrik Buhr, Dennis Bing, Manfred Grieser, Oded Heber, Claude Krantz, Michael Lestinsky, Mario B. Mendes, Oldřich Novotný, Michael L. Rappaport, Roland Repnow, Andrey Shornikov, Julia Stützel, Dirk Schwalm, Daniel Zajfman, and Andreas Wolf
17:45 |
MS 2.4 |
Exploring superconducting detectors for neutral nanoparticles — •Michele Sclafani, Markus Marksteiner, Philipp Haslinger, Hendrik Hulbricht, Markus Arndt, Alexander Divochiy, Alexander Korneev, and Gregory Gol'tsman
18:00 |
MS 2.5 |
Marker bands for four-coordinate Fe(III)-heme proteins from absorption spectra of isolated chromophore ions in vacuo — •Jean Wyer
18:15 |
MS 2.6 |
Probing the exotic metastable states of D2− at ELISA — •Lutz Lammich, Lars H. Andersen, Aravind Gopalan, and Henrik B. Pedersen
18:30 |
MS 2.7 |
Mass Selective Acceleration at the Test Storage Ring — •Felix Laux, Robin Bastert, Henrik Buhr, Manfred Grieser, Claude Krantz, Mario Mendes, Andreas Wolf, and Klaus Blaum
18:45 |
MS 2.8 |
Das CSR Projekt — •Florian Fellenberger, Klaus Blaum, Michael Froese, Manfred Grieser, Robert von Hahn, Dirk Kaiser, Michael Lange, Felix Laux, Sebastian Menk, Roland Repnow, Andrey Schornikov und Andreas Wolf