16:30 |
Q 10.1 |
Towards an all-optical 87Rb BEC for atom interferometry — •Maic Zaiser, Jonas Hartwig, Dennis Schlippert, Vyacheslav Lebedev, and Ernst Maria Rasel
16:45 |
Q 10.2 |
Bose-Einstein condensation of an alkaline earth element: 40Ca — •Sebastian Kraft, Felix Vogt, Oliver Appel, Fritz Riehle, and Uwe Sterr
17:00 |
Q 10.3 |
Bose-Einstein condensation of strontium — •Simon Stellmer, Meng Khoon Tey, Bo Huang, Rudolf Grimm, and Schreck Florian
17:15 |
Q 10.4 |
Bose-Einstein condensates in micro-optical potentials — •Thomas Lauber, Johannes Küber, Oliver Wille, Martin Hasch, and Gerhard Birkl
17:30 |
Q 10.5 |
Landau-Zener dynamics between pairwise coupled 1d-tubes — •Yu-Ao Chen, Stefan Trotzky, Ute Schnorrberger, Sebastian Huber, Ehud Altman, and Immanuel Bloch
17:45 |
Q 10.6 |
Cold Atoms in Minibands: Bloch-Zener Oscillations and Band Spectroscopy — •Sebastian Kling, Tobias Salger, Christopher Grossert, and Martin Weitz
18:00 |
Q 10.7 |
Emergence of semifluxons in 0-π-0 junctions as a topological state change — •Reinhold Walser, Michael Grupp, Wolfgang Schleich, Oliver Crasser, Reinhold Kleiner, and Edward Goldobin
18:15 |
Q 10.8 |
Exact Quantum Dynamics of a Bosonic Josephson Junction — •Kaspar Sakmann, Alexej I. Streltsov, Ofir E. Alon, and Loerenz S. Cederbaum
18:30 |
Q 10.9 |
Cold and hot finite quantum systems in contact: energy flow and temperature equilibration — •Alexey V. Ponomarev, Sergey Denisov, and Peter Hanggi
18:45 |
Q 10.10 |
Single Cs Atoms Interacting with an Ultracold Rb Cloud — •Nicolas Spethmann, Wolfgang Alt, Shincy John, Oskar Fetsch, Claudia Weber, Artur Widera, and Dieter Meschede