Hannover 2010 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 16: Quantum Gases: Interaction Effects I
Dienstag, 9. März 2010, 14:00–16:15, E 001
14:00 |
Q 16.1 |
Giant coherence times in trapped atomic gases — Christian Deutsch, Fernando Ramirez-Martinez, Clement Lacroute, Friedemann Reinhard, Tobias Schneider, Jean-Noel Fuchs, Frederic Piechon, Franck Laloe, Jakob Reichel, and •Peter Rosenbusch
14:30 |
Q 16.2 |
Atom chip based generation of entanglement for quantum metrology — •Max Fabian Riedel, Pascal Böhi, Yun Li, Theodor Wolfgang Hänsch, Alice Sinatra, and Philipp Treutlein
14:45 |
Q 16.3 |
Multi-isotope trapping of metastable neon — •Jan Schütz, Thomas Feldker, Holger John, and Gerhard Birkl
15:00 |
Q 16.4 |
Phase separation in a thermal mixture of ultracold atoms — •Frank Münchow, Florian Baumer, Cristian Bruni, Simon Hübner, and Axel Görlitz
15:15 |
Q 16.5 |
Parameterizing the influence of Feshbach resonances for photoassociation and in the context of the Bose-Hubbard model of ultracold atoms in optical lattices. — •Philipp-Immanuel Schneider
15:30 |
Q 16.6 |
Multi-layer stacks of dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates — •Andrej Junginger, Jörg Main, and Günter Wunner
15:45 |
Q 16.7 |
Far-From-Equilibrium Dynamics of Ultracold Fermi Gases — •Matthias Kronenwett, Thomas Gasenzer, Michael Foss-Feig, and Ana Maria Rey
16:00 |
Q 16.8 |
Delocalization of a disordered bosonic system by repulsive interactions — •Benjamin Deissler, Matteo Zaccanti, Giacomo Roati, Chiara D’Errico, Marco Fattori, Michele Modugno, Giovanni Modugno, and Massimo Inguscio