Hannover 2010 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 17: Quantum Information: Atoms and Ions I
Dienstag, 9. März 2010, 14:00–16:30, E 214
14:00 |
Q 17.1 |
Coherent spectroscopy involving Rydberg states in microcells — •Thomas Baluktsian, Bernhard Huber, Harald Kübler, Andreas Kölle, Christian Urban, James P. Shaffer, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
14:30 |
Q 17.2 |
Scalable Architecture for Quantum Information Processing with Neutral Atoms — •Jens Kruse, Malte Schlosser, Peter Schauss, Benedikt Baumgarten, Sascha Tichelmann, and Gerhard Birkl
15:00 |
Q 17.3 |
Lossless qubit state detection of single neutral atoms — •Joerg Bochmann, Martin Mücke, Christoph Guhl, Carolin Hahn, Stephan Ritter, David Moehring, and Gerhard Rempe
15:15 |
Q 17.4 |
Loading atoms into a blue-box trap from a dark MOT: towards long lived quantum memory — •Fan Yang, Huan Nguyen, Torsten Mandel, Maximilian Plenert, Alexander Göbel, Shuai Chen, Zhen-Sheng Yuan, and Jian-Wei Pan
15:30 |
Q 17.5 |
Multipartite W states for chains of atoms conveyed through an optical cavity — •Denis Gonta and Stephan Fritzsche
15:45 |
Q 17.6 |
Coherent Transport of Atomic Quantum States in a Scalable Shift Register — •Malte Schlosser, Jens Kruse, Andre Lengwenus, Sascha Tichelmann, and Gerhard Birkl
16:00 |
Q 17.7 |
Digital Coherent and Dissipative Quantum Simulations with Rydberg Atoms — •Hendrik Weimer, Markus Müller, Igor Lesanovsky, Peter Zoller, and Hans Peter Büchler
16:15 |
Q 17.8 |
Generation of macroscopic singlet states in atomic ensembles — •Geza Toth and Morgan W. Mitchell