16:00 |
Q 21.1 |
Excitation spectrum of Bose-Einstein condensates in correlated disorder — •Christopher Gaul and Cord A. Müller
16:00 |
Q 21.2 |
Matter Wave Turbulence — •Boris Nowak, Christian Scheppach, and Thomas Gasenzer
16:00 |
Q 21.3 |
Second Josephson oscillations — •Martin P. Strzys and James R. Anglin
16:00 |
Q 21.4 |
Dynamics of cold Bose gases: effects of incoherent scattering — •Luis Rico-Pérez and James R. Anglin
16:00 |
Q 21.5 |
Collisional properties of ultracold 40Ca atoms — •Oliver Appel, Sebastian Kraft, Felix Vogt, Fritz Riehle, and Uwe Sterr
16:00 |
Q 21.6 |
Towards the realization of an erbium BEC — •Henning Brammer, Riad Bourouis, and Martin Weitz
16:00 |
Q 21.7 |
Dynamics of 1D fermionic systems using Matrix Product States — •Michael Lubasch, Mari Carmen Bañuls, and Juan Ignacio Cirac
16:00 |
Q 21.8 |
Towards a two-species quantum degenerate gas of 6Li and 133Cs — •Rico Pires, Marc Repp, Kristina Meyer, Johannes Deiglmayr, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:00 |
Q 21.9 |
Towards disorder experiments in 2D optical lattices — •Mathis Baumert, Nadine Meyer, Mike Holynski, Amy Rudge, Jochen Kronjäger, and Kai Bongs
16:00 |
Q 21.10 |
Parametric amplification of vacuum fluctuations in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates — Carsten Klempt, Oliver Topic, Garu Gebreyesus, Manuel Scherer, •Bernd Lücke, Frank Deuretzbacher, Phillip Hyllus, Wolfgang Ertmer, Luis Santos, and Jan Arlt
16:00 |
Q 21.11 |
Far-from-equilibrium dynamics in a Kondo lattice of ultracold fermionic alkaline-earth atoms — •Matthias Kronenwett, Thomas Gasenzer, Michael Foss-Feig, and Ana Maria Rey
16:00 |
Q 21.12 |
Massless Dirac-Weyl Fermions in a T3 Optical Lattice — •Dario Bercioux, Daniel F. Urban, Hermann Grabert, and Wolfgang Haeusler
16:00 |
Q 21.13 |
A new type of hexagonal optical lattice for ultracold quantum gases — •Julian Struck, Parvis Soltan-Panahi, Wiebke Plenkers, Andreas Bick, Georg Meineke, Christoph Becker, Patrick Windpassinger, and Klaus Sengstock
16:00 |
Q 21.14 |
Momentum-resolved Bragg spectroscopy in optical lattices — •Jasper S. Krauser, Sören Götze, Philpp T. Ernst, Jannes Heinze, Malte Weinberg, Christoph Becker, and Klaus Sengstock
16:00 |
Q 21.15 |
Bosonic Optical Lattice with a Staggered Magnetic Field — Georg Wirth, •Matthias Ölschläger, and Andreas Hemmerich
16:00 |
Q 21.16 |
Fermionic quantum gases with tunable interactions in optical lattices — •Michael Schreiber, Ulrich Schneider, Jens Philipp Ronzheimer, Lucia Hackermüller, Thorsten Best, Sebastian Will, Simon Braun, Tim Rom, Kin Chung Fong, and Immanuel Bloch
16:00 |
Q 21.17 |
Experiments on entanglement of ultracold atoms on an atom chip — •Jad Camille Halimeh, Max Fabian Riedel, Pascal Böhi, Theodor Wolfgang Hänsch, and Philipp Treutlein
16:00 |
Q 21.18 |
Non-abelian atom optics with cold atoms — •Torben Alexander Schulze, Ernst-Maria Rasel, and das QUANTUS Team
16:00 |
Q 21.19 |
Optical interface created by laser-cooled atoms trapped in the evanescent field surrounding an optical nanofiber — •Rudolf Mitsch, Melanie Müller, Daniel Reitz, Eugen Vetsch, Samuel T. Dawkins, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:00 |
Q 21.20 |
State-insensitive micro dipole trap for cesium atoms — •Piyaphat Phoonthong, Peter Douglas, Arne Wickenbrock, and Ferruccio Renzoni
16:00 |
Q 21.21 |
Cooling of an optically trapped ion — •Stephan Duewel, Christian Schneider, Martin Enderlein, Thomas Huber, and Tobias Schaetz
16:00 |
Q 21.22 |
A new Experiment for the investigation of ultra-cold Potassium Rubidium Mixtures — Georg Kleine Büning, •Johannes Will, Jan Peise, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Jan Arlt
16:00 |
Q 21.23 |
Ultracold fermionic potassium atoms in a CO2 -laser optical dipole trap — •Christian Bolkart, Alexander Gatto, Ondrej Sobora und Martin Weitz
16:00 |
Q 21.24 |
Uniting BECs in a ring cavity — •Christine Gnahm, Simone Bux, Gordon Krenz, Claus Zimmermann, and Philippe A.W. Courteille
16:00 |
Q 21.25 |
High resolution imaging of an ultracold quantum gas — •Peter Würtz, Tatjana Gericke, Andreas Vogler, Fabian Etzold, Tobias Weber, Frank Markert, and Herwig Ott
16:00 |
Q 21.26 |
Ionization dynamics and antiblockade of an ultracold Ryd-berggas — •Nele Müller, Thomas Amthor, Christoph S. Hofmann, Georg Günter, Hanna Schempp, Christian Giese, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:00 |
Q 21.27 |
Linsensysteme zur Fokussierung und Nachbeschleunigung einzelner Ionen — •G. Jacob, W. Schnitzler, R. Fickler, F. Schmidt-Kaler und K. Singer
16:00 |
Q 21.28 |
Kryogene Mikro-Ionenfalle mit integrierter Fasercavity — •Frank Ziesel, Max Hettrich, Michaela Petrich, Daniel Seyfried, Gerhard Huber, Ulrich Poschinger, Andreas Walther und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
16:00 |
Q 21.29 |
Real-Time Feedback on Single Atoms in a High-Finesse Optical Resonator of Variable Length — •Christian Sames, Markus Koch, Alexander Kubanek, Alexei Ourjoumtsev, Matthias Apel, Pepijn Pinkse, Karim Murr, and Gerhard Rempe
16:00 |
Q 21.30 |
Compact electronics for laser system in microgravity — •Thijs Wendrich for the Lasus Team
16:00 |
Q 21.31 |
Laser stabilisation for the production of rovibronic ground-state molecules — •Raffael Rameshan, Almar Lercher, Markus Debatin, Bastian Schuster, David Baier, Francesca Ferlaino, Tetsu Takekoshi, Grimm Rudolf, and Hanns-Christoph Nägerl
16:00 |
Q 21.32 |
Matter wave interferometry for determination of molecular transition dipole moments — •Sha Liu, Horst Knöckel, and Eberhard Tiemann
16:00 |
Q 21.33 |
Atom Interferometry in a mobile setup to measure local gravity — •Matthias Hauth, Alexander Senger, Malte Schmidt, Sebastian Grede, Christian Freier, and Achim Peters
16:00 |
Q 21.34 |
Atom interferometry in microgravity — •Markus Krutzik, Achim Peters, and das QUANTUS Team
16:00 |
Q 21.35 |
A mobile Strontium optical frequency standard — •Ole Kock, Steven Johnson, Jochen Kronjaeger, and Kai Bongs
16:00 |
Q 21.36 |
Towards an optical lattice clock with 87Sr — •Stephan Falke, Christian Lisdat, Joseph Sundar Raaj Vellore Winfred, Thomas Middelmann, Fritz Riehle, and Uwe Sterr
16:00 |
Q 21.37 |
Atomic structure of the Th II — •Jerzy Dembczyński, Magdalena Elantkowska, Jarosław Ruczkowski, Danuta Stefańska, and Gustaw Szawioła
16:00 |
Q 21.38 |
High performance iodine frequency reference for tests of the LISA laser system — •Klaus Döringshoff, Katharina Möhle, Moritz Nagel, Evgeny V. Kovalchuk, and Achim Peters
16:00 |
Q 21.39 |
Thermal noise of optical reference cavities — •Thomas Legero, Thomas Kessler, and Uwe Sterr
16:00 |
Q 21.40 |
High precision cold atom gyroscope — •Timo Denker, Sven Abend, Peter Berg, Michael Gilowski, Christian Schubert, Gunnar Tackmann, Wolfgang Ertmer, and Ernst Rasel
16:00 |
Q 21.41 |
Quantum Gate Operations on Logical Qubits in a Decoherence-Free Subspace using Geometric Optimal Control Theory — •Anton Haase, Lorenza Viola, and Christiane P. Koch
16:00 |
Q 21.42 |
Stabilizing two-qubit interactions by dynamical decoupling — •Holger Frydrych, Pavel Bazant, Gernot Alber, and Igor Jex
16:00 |
Q 21.43 |
Error Suppression in a Quantum Register with Non-ideal Controls — •Pavel Bažant, Oliver Kern, Gernot Alber, and Igor Jex
16:00 |
Q 21.44 |
Optimierung eines Rydberg-Phasengatters — •Matthias Müller, Tommaso Calarco, Christiane P. Koch und Daniel Reich
16:00 |
Q 21.45 |
How to quantify simultaneity in quantum measurements? — •Michael Bußhardt and Matthias Freyberger
16:00 |
Q 21.46 |
Light-induced charging effects on dielectric surfaces in the vincinity of trapped ions — •Maximilian Harlander, Wolfgang Hänsel, Michael Brownnutt, and Rainer Blatt
16:00 |
Q 21.47 |
Secret key rates in quantum key distribution using Rényi entropies — •Silvestre Abruzzo, Hermann Kampermann, Markus Mertz, Sylvia Bratzik, and Dagmar Bruss
16:00 |
Q 21.48 |
Construction of complete sets of cyclic mutually unbiased bases — Oliver Kern, Kedar Ranade, •Ulrich Seyfarth, and Gernot Alber
16:00 |
Q 21.49 |
Quantum Teleportation Between Stationary Macroscopic Objects — •Bao Xiao-Hui, Xu Xiao-Fan, Li Che-Ming, Yuan Zhen-Sheng, and Pan Jian-Wei
16:00 |
Q 21.50 |
Pulsed coherent Rydberg excitation in thermal microcells — •Bernhard Huber, Thomas Baluktsian, Harald Kübler, Andreas Kölle, Christian Urban, Robert Löw, and Tilman Pfau
16:00 |
Q 21.51 |
Using ultra-high Q bottle microresonators for cold atom cavity quantum electrodynamic experiments — •Danny O’Shea, Christian Junge, Christian Hauswald, Sebastian Nickel, Alexander Rettenmaier, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:00 |
Q 21.52 |
Spin dynamics of one and two atoms strongly coupled to an optical resonator — •René Reimann, Wolfgang Alt, Martin Eckstein, Tobias Kampschulte, Mkrtych Khudaverdyan, Lingbo Kong, Sebastian Reick, Alexander Thobe, Artur Widera, and Dieter Meschede
16:00 |
Q 21.53 |
Atom-Photon-Interfaces - Single-Photon Generation and Shaping — •Peter Nisbet, Jerome Dilley, Gunnar Langfahl-Klabes, Genko Vasilev, Daniel Ljunggren, and Axel Kuhn
16:00 |
Q 21.54 |
A cavity QED system for atom-photon interfacing and multi-atom investigations — •Kyle Arnold, Markus Baden, and Murray Barrett
16:00 |
Q 21.55 |
Methods in Implementing 2 Dimensional Arrays of Ion Traps — •Muir Kumph, Michael Niedermayr, Regina Lechner, Michael Brownnutt, and Rainer Blatt
16:00 |
Q 21.56 |
Analytic approximations of the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard model with application to ion chains — •Alexander Mering, Michael Fleischhauer, Peter A. Ivanov, and Kilian Singer
16:00 |
Q 21.57 |
Characterisation of non-classical radiation generated in semiconductor systems using multi-pixel photon detectors — •Robert Löffler, Gerolf Burau, and Heinrich Stolz
16:00 |
Q 21.58 |
Femtosecond pulsed ultraviolet enhancement cavity as high power spontaneous parametric down conversion source — •Roland Krischek, Witlef Wieczorek, Akira Ozawa, Nikolai Kiesel, Patrick Michelberger, Thomas Udem, and Harald Weinfurter
16:00 |
Q 21.59 |
Biphoton source at 710nm using a periodically poled MgO doped stoichiometric lithium tantalate crystal — •Sebastian Wander, Dirk Puhlmann, and Martin Ostermeyer
16:00 |
Q 21.60 |
Studies on the gap of a solid immersion lens-diamond interface using raytracing — •Stefan Bischof
16:00 |
Q 21.61 |
Towards emitter-cavity-coupling of new single color centers in diamond — Roland Albrecht, •Christian Hepp, Elke Neu, Janine Riedrich-Möller, David Steinmetz, and Christoph Becher
16:00 |
Q 21.62 |
Model free, direct measurement of Casimir-Polder-Potentials in the transition regime — •Christian Stehle, Helmar Bender, Philippe W. Courteille, Carsten Marzok, Claus Zimmermann, and Sebastian Slama
16:00 |
Q 21.63 |
Reproducible chaos-induced mesoscopic superpositions of Bose-Einstein condensates — •Bettina Gertjerenken, Stephan Arlinghaus, Niklas Teichmann, and Christoph Weiss
16:00 |
Q 21.64 |
Retardation effects on entanglement between atoms in a cavity — •Qurrat-ul- Ain, Zbigniew Ficek, and Jörg Evers
16:00 |
Q 21.65 |
Study of entanglement dynamics through a partial P-representation — •Ansgar Pernice and Walter T. Strunz
16:00 |
Q 21.66 |
Towards Coherent Control of Photons using Electromagnetically Induced Transparency — •Andreas Neuzner, Eden Figueroa und Gerhard Rempe
16:00 |
Q 21.67 |
Raman-Nath-Description of the Free-Electron Laser — •Matthias Knobl and Wolfgang P. Schleich
16:00 |
Q 21.68 |
Photon diode: performing nonunitary operations on quantum light — •Gor Nikoghosyan and Michael Fleischhauer
16:00 |
Q 21.69 |
Multifractality in quantum maps — •John Martin, Ignacio Garcia-Mata, Olivier Giraud, and Bertrand Georgeot
16:00 |
Q 21.70 |
Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer Microscopy — •Julia Tisler, Gopalakrishnan Balasubramanian, Rolf Reuter, Anke Lämmle, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
16:00 |
Q 21.71 |
Vertikal emittierende Laserdioden als Seed-Quelle eines gepulsten Titan:Saphir-Lasers — •Simon Metzendorf, Daniel Depenheuer, Thorsten Führer und Thomas Walther
16:00 |
Q 21.72 |
Resonatorinterne Frequenzverdopplung von grün emittierenden Praseodym-Lasern — •Teoman Gün, Ernst Heumann und Günter Huber
16:00 |
Q 21.73 |
Faserverstärker basierter Ar+-Laserersatz — •Benjamin Rein, Tobias Beck und Thomas Walther
16:00 |
Q 21.74 |
Nd:YVO4 Hochleistungsverstärkersystem mit langen Pikosekunden Impulsen und effizienter Erzeugung der zweiten Harmonischen — •Markus Lührmann, Christian Theobald, Richard Wallenstein und Johannes A. L’huillier
16:00 |
Q 21.75 |
Concept of a second order Littrow external cavity diode laser — •Björn Hemb, Michael Britzger, Daniel Friedrich, Maximilian Wimmer, André Thüring, Karsten Danzmann, and Roman Schnabel
16:00 |
Q 21.76 |
Towards a multi-Watt femtosecond optical parametric oscillator tunable between 1.5 µm and 1.9 µm wavelength — •Robin Hegenbarth, Jan-Philipp Negel, Felix Hoos, Bernd Metzger, Andy Steinmann, János Hebling, and Harald Giessen
16:00 |
Q 21.77 |
Ultra-sensitive fluorescence spectroscopy of isolated surface-adsorbed molecules using an optical nanofiber — •Ariane Stiebeiner, David Papencordt, Nils Konken, Ruth Garcia-Fernandez, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:00 |
Q 21.78 |
Laser spectroscopy of trapped Th+ ions: towards nuclear laser spectroscopy of Th-229 — •Kai Zimmermann, Oscar Andrey Herrera Sancho, Maxim Okhapkin, Christian Tamm, and Ekkehard Peik
16:00 |
Q 21.79 |
Photodiodenarray für die Leistungsstabilisierung von Lasern — •Patrick Kwee, Benno Willke und Karsten Danzmann
16:00 |
Q 21.80 |
Performance of all-optical phase-preserving amplitude regeneration techniques — •Daniel Endres, Klaus Sponsel, Christian Stefan, Georgy Onishchukov, Bernhard Schmauss, and and Gerd Leuchs
16:00 |
Q 21.81 |
Laser-based acceleration of non-relativistic electrons in a photonic structure — •John Breuer and Peter Hommelhoff
16:00 |
Q 21.82 |
A high-harmonic microfocus beamline for photoemission spectroscopy — •Roland Kalms, Armin Azima, Filip Budzyn, Patrick Rüdiger, Thomas Klee, Michael Schulz, Lasse Schroedter, Marek Wieland, and Markus Drescher
16:00 |
Q 21.83 |
Accurate generation of polarization-shaped fs laser pulses with application to photoelectron imaging spectroscopy — •Jens Köhler, Marc Krug, Cristian Sarpe-Tudoran, Tim Bayer, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
16:00 |
Q 21.84 |
Single-sweep production of complex 3D-waveguide devices in fused-silica produced by adaptive femtosecond laser writing — •Matthias Pospiech, Benjamin Väckenstedt, Moritz Emons, Guido Palmer, and Uwe Morgner
16:00 |
Q 21.85 |
Status of the ELBE-DRACO X-ray source — •Axel Jochmann, Alexander Debus, Christoph Erler, Ulf Lehnert, Stephan Kraft, Michael Bussmann, Thomas Cowan, Roland Sauerbrey, and Ulrich Schramm
16:00 |
Q 21.86 |
Processes of different nature in femtosecond-laser-induced electron emission from ultrasharp metal tips — •Michael Krüger, Markus Schenk, Johannes Hoffrogge, Hanno Kaupp, and Peter Hommelhoff
16:00 |
Q 21.87 |
Glass-fiber-based Fabry-Perot resonators — •Christian Wuttke, Boris N. Chichkov, Andreas Jöckel, Michael Kappl, Jürgen Koch, Kotaro Obata, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:00 |
Q 21.88 |
Fabrication of Bragg Gratings for Silicon-on-Insulator Waveguides — •Harald Richter, David Stolarek, Lars Zimmermann, Joachim Bauer, Steffen Marschmeyer, Ivano Giuntoni, Andrzej Gajda, and Bernd Tillack
16:00 |
Q 21.89 |
Propagation of ultrafast pulses in transparent media — Hatem Dachraoui, •Christian Oberer, Martin Michelswirth, and Ulrich Heinzmann
16:00 |
Q 21.90 |
Slow Light Enhanced Four Wave Mixing Processes — •Sebastian Jakobs, Bernd Schmid, Alexander Petrov, and Manfred Eich
16:00 |
Q 21.91 |
Purcell effect and light collection from a single emitter inside a diamond nano rod — •Helmut Rathgen, Birgit Hausmann, Marko Loncar, Fedor Jelezko, Jörg Wrachtrup, Phil Hemmer, and Tom Babinec
16:00 |
Q 21.92 |
Injection locking of a phonon laser — •Sebastian Knünz, Maximilian Herrmann, Valentin Batteiger, Guido Saathoff, Theodor W. Hänsch, Kerry Vahala, and Thomas Udem