Hannover 2010 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
Q 30: Quantum Effects: QED II / Interference and Correlations III
Mittwoch, 10. März 2010, 14:00–16:00, A 320
14:00 |
Q 30.1 |
On the Quantum Theory of the FEL — •Paul Preiss, Roland Sauerbrey, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
14:15 |
Q 30.2 |
On-demand positioning of a preselected quantum emitter on a fiber-coupled toroidal microresonator — Markus Gregor, •Rico Henze, Tim Schröder, and Oliver Benson
14:30 |
Q 30.3 |
Non-perturbative 2-photon Compton scattering from a circularly polarized laser — •Daniel Seipt and Burkhard Kämpfer
14:45 |
Q 30.4 |
A matterless double-slit — •Ben King, Antonino Di Piazza, and Christoph H. Keitel
15:00 |
Q 30.5 |
Towards the experimental realisation of an ideal quantum measurement — •Jürgen Volz, Roger Gehr, Guilhem Dubois, Jérôme Estève, and Jakob Reichel
15:15 |
Q 30.6 |
Measurement of Arbitrary-Order Coherences in a Single Light Beam with two Polarizations — •Uwe Schilling, Joachim von Zanthier, and Girish S. Agarwal
15:30 |
Q 30.7 |
A new paradigm for non-locality by many single photon emitters - violations of locality for visibility less than 50% — •Ralph Wiegner, Christoph Thiel, Joachim von Zanthier, and Girish S. Agarwal
15:45 |
Q 30.8 |
Quantum displacement detection with a beam of paired photons — Martin Ostermeyer and •Carsten Henkel