10:30 |
Q 45.1 |
All-Optical Cooling and Diagnostics for Relativistic Ion Beams — •Michael Bussmann, Ulrich Schramm, Danyal F.A. Winters, Thomas Walther, Gerhard Birkl, Christina Dimopoulou, Fritz Nolden, Markus Steck, Bernhard Franzke, Christian Novotny, Christopher Geppert, Wilfried Nörtershäuser, Christophor Kozhuharov, Thomas Kühl, and Thomas Stöhlker
10:45 |
Q 45.2 |
Measurements of the Interaction between Ultracold Atoms and Carbon Nanostructures — •Philipp Schneeweiss, Michael Gierling, Gabriela Visanescu, Johannes Märkle, Benjamin Jetter, Thomas Judd, Michael Häffner, Dieter Kern, Carsten Weiss, Reinhold Walser, Andreas Günther, and József Fortágh
11:00 |
Q 45.3 |
Controlling spin dynamics in a one-dimensional quantum gas — •Philipp Wicke, Shannon Whitlock, and Klaasjan van Druten
11:15 |
Q 45.4 |
Collisions of single ions with ultracold neutral atoms — •Stefan Schmid, Arne Härter, and Johannes Hecker Denschlag
11:30 |
Q 45.5 |
Nonlinear atom interferometer beats classical precision limit — •Eike Nicklas, Christian Gross, Tilman Zibold, Jérôme Estève, and Markus K Oberthaler
11:45 |
Q 45.6 |
From single to many particle Rabi oscillations — •Tilman Zibold, Eike Nicklas, Christian Gross, Helmut Strobel, Ion Stroescu, Wolfgang Müssel, and Markus K. Oberthaler
12:00 |
Q 45.7 |
Preparation of a degenerate mesoscopic sample of fermions — •Friedhelm Serwane, Timo Ottenstein, Thomas Lompe, Gerhardt Zürn, Martin Ries, Philipp Simon, and Selim Jochim
12:15 |
Q 45.8 |
Study of matter-wave speckle patterns — •Nicolas Cherroret and Sergey Skipetrov