16:00 |
Q 55.1 |
Process-chain approach and its application to bosonic lattice systems — •Dennis Hinrichs, Niklas Teichmann, and Martin Holthaus
16:00 |
Q 55.2 |
BEC and atom-optics in optical waveguides — •Johannes Küber, Thomas Lauber, Oliver Wille, Martin Hasch, and Gerhard Birkl
16:00 |
Q 55.3 |
Quantum brownian motion of grey solitons in 1D-condensates — •Philip Walczak and James R. Anglin
16:00 |
Q 55.4 |
Parametric Excitation of Bose-Einstein Condensate Modes — Hamid Jabber Haziran Al-Jibbouri and •Axel Pelster
16:00 |
Q 55.5 |
The Dicke Model Quantum Phase Transition in a Driven Condensate-Cavity System — •Ferdinand Brennecke, Kristian Baumann, Christine Guerlin, Silvan Leinss, Rafael Mottl, and Tilman Esslinger
16:00 |
Q 55.6 |
Single Atom Detection on Atomchips — •Saskia Kühnhold, Barbara Grüner, Michael Gierling, Philipp Schneeweiss, Gabriela Visanescu, Michael Jag, Alexander Stibor, Michael Häffner, Dieter Kern, Andreas Günther, and József Fortágh
16:00 |
Q 55.7 |
Feshbach resonances in mixtures of 6Li and 40K — •Antje Ludewig, Tobias Tiecke, Steve Gensemer, Sebastian Kraft, and Jook Walraven
16:00 |
Q 55.8 |
Mott insulator phases of spin-3/2 fermions in one-dimensional lattices — Karen Rodriguez, Arturo Arguelles, •Maria Colome-Tatche, Temo Vekua, and Luis Santos
16:00 |
Q 55.9 |
Low-dimensional Bose-Fermi mixtures and atom chips — •Tim Langen, Michael Gring, Maximilian Kuhnert, Matthias Schreitel, David A. Smith, and Jörg Schmiedmayer
16:00 |
Q 55.10 |
Multiband renormalization of Bose-Fermi mixtures in optical lattices — •Alexander Mering and Michael Fleischhauer
16:00 |
Q 55.11 |
``Photon''-assisted tunnelling of ultra-cold atoms — •Martin Esmann, Kirsten Stiebler, Bettina Gertjerenken, Niklas Teichmann, and Christoph Weiss
16:00 |
Q 55.12 |
Three-body bound states in a lattice — •Manuel Valiente, David Petrosyan, and Alejandro Saenz
16:00 |
Q 55.13 |
Single site addressability in optical lattices — •Endres Manuel, Christof Weitenberg, Jacob Sherson, Marc Cheneau, Ralf Labouvie, Rosa Glöckner, Immanuel Bloch, and Stefan Kuhr
16:00 |
Q 55.14 |
Equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium properties of ultracold fermions in optical lattices — •Robert Jördens, Leticia Tarruell, Daniel Greif, Thomas Uehlinger, Niels Strohmaier, Henning Moritz, and Tilman Esslinger
16:00 |
Q 55.15 |
Singlet-triplet oscillations with pairs of neutral atoms in an optical superlattice — •Stefan Trotzky, Yu-Ao Chen, Ute Schnorrberger, and Immanuel Bloch
16:00 |
Q 55.16 |
Interacting Bose-Fermi Mixtures in Optical Lattices — •Simon Braun, Sebastian Will, Thorsten Best, Philipp Ronzheimer, Michael Schreiber, Ulrich Schneider, Tim Rom, Lucia Hackermüller, Kin-Chung Fong, Dirk-Sören Lühmann, and Immanuel Bloch
16:00 |
Q 55.17 |
Collisional properties of metastable neon — •Thomas Feldker, Holger John, Jan Schütz, Norbert Herschbach, and Gerhard Birkl
16:00 |
Q 55.18 |
A high-flux source of guided ultracold chromium atoms — •Valentin Viktorovich Volchkov, Anoush Aghajani-Talesh, Markus Falkenau, Axel Griesmaier, and Tilman Pfau
16:00 |
Q 55.19 |
Rb MOT system for an advanced lab course at the University of Heidelberg — Silvânia Alves de Carvalho, Marc Repp, Christoph S. Hofmann, Rico Pires, •Kristina Meyer, Dominic Litsch, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:00 |
Q 55.20 |
Cooling caesium atoms in a bad, near-confocal cavity — •Arne Wickenbrock, Piyaphat Phoonthong, Nihal Wahab, and Ferruccio Renzoni
16:00 |
Q 55.21 |
Optical Trapping of an Ion — •Thomas Huber, Christian Schneider, Martin Enderlein, Stephan Duewel, and Tobias Schaetz
16:00 |
Q 55.22 |
Microwave structures for electron guiding — •Johannes Hoffrogge and Peter Hommelhoff
16:00 |
Q 55.23 |
Design of a hexapole-compensated magneto-optical trap without external fields — •Stefan Jöllenbeck, Jan Mahnke, Jan Arlt, Carsten Klempt, and Wolfgang Ertmer
16:00 |
Q 55.24 |
Dynamics of a coherently driven atom in a high-finesse optical resonator — •Martin Eckstein, Wolfgang Alt, Stefan Brakhane, Tobias Kampschulte, Sebastian Reick, René Reimann, Artur Widera, and Dieter Meschede
16:00 |
Q 55.25 |
Coherent Processes in the Presence of Interparticle Interactions — •Hanna Schempp, Georg Günter, Christoph S. Hofmann, Nele Müller, Christian Giese, Sebastian D. Saliba, Brett D. DePaola, Sevilay Sevincli, Thomas Pohl, Thomas Amthor, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:00 |
Q 55.26 |
Drift waves and instabilities in ultracold plasmas — •Cornelia Lechner, Christian Knapp, and Alexander Kendl
16:00 |
Q 55.27 |
Erzeugung und Nachweis von Bewegungs-Quantenzuständen einzelner kalter Ionen in einer Mikrofalle — •Gerhard Huber, Ulrich Poschinger, Markus Deiss, Frank Ziesel, Max Hettrich, Daniel Seyfried, Michaela Petrich und Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler
16:00 |
Q 55.28 |
Atom Trap Trace Analysis of Argon 39 — •Florian Ritterbusch, Joachim Welte, Matthias Henrich, Werner Aeschbach-Hertig, and Markus K. Oberthaler
16:00 |
Q 55.29 |
Cold atoms inside a hollow core fiber - a novel medium for few-photon nonlinear optics — •Sebastian Hofferberth, Thibault Peyronal, Michal Bajcsy, Alexander Zibrov, Vladan Vuletic, and Mikhail Lukin
16:00 |
Q 55.30 |
Properties of ultracold ground state LiCs molecules — •Marc Repp, Johannes Deiglmayr, Anna Grochola, Olivier Dulieu, Roland Wester, and Matthias Weidemüller
16:00 |
Q 55.31 |
Setup of a Li MOT for the study of ultracold molecule production — •Michael Köppinger, Frank Münchow, Florian Baumer, and Axel Görlitz
16:00 |
Q 55.32 |
Active low- frequency vibration isolation for high precision atom interferometry — •Christian Freier, Alexander Senger, and Achim Peters
16:00 |
Q 55.33 |
Degenerate Bose-Fermi Gases in Microgravity — •Christina Rode, Ernst Maria Rasel, and das QUANTUS Team
16:00 |
Q 55.34 |
Nanoscale scanning probe magnetometer with single spin sensitivity — •Friedemann Reinhard, Eike Oliver Schäfer-Nolte, Markus Ternes, Bernhard Grotz, Helmut Rathgen, Gopalakrishnan Balausbramanian, Julia Tisler, Klaus Kern, Fedor Jelezko, and Jörg Wrachtrup
16:00 |
Q 55.35 |
Stabilization of the Advanced LIGO 200W laser — •Christina Krämer, Jan Hendrik Pöld, Patrick Kwee, Hyunjoo Kim, Benno Willke, and Karsten Danzmann
16:00 |
Q 55.36 |
Controlling single-molecule dipole-dipole coupling by optical confinement in a λ/2-microresonator (exchanged with Q 67.1) — •Raphael Gutbrod, Sebastian Bär, Frank Schleifenbaum, Sébastien Peter, Kirstin Elgass, and Alfred J. Meixner
16:00 |
Q 55.37 |
Quantum sensors with laser cooled ions — •Karsten Pyka, Norbert Herschbach, and Tanja E. Mehlstäubler
16:00 |
Q 55.38 |
Michelson interferometer with 3-port grating coupled arm resonators — •Maximilian Wimmer, Michael Britzger, Daniel Friedrich, Oliver Burmeister, Björn Hemb, Karsten Danzmann, and Roman Schnabel
16:00 |
Q 55.39 |
A fiber-based femtosecond frequency comb for precision measurements in microgravity — •Andreas Resch, Claus Lämmerzahl, and Sven Herrmann
16:00 |
Q 55.40 |
Correction of Phase Damping Errors — •Benjamin Trendelkamp-Schroer, Julius Helm, and Walter T. Strunz
16:00 |
Q 55.41 |
Quantum key distribution with finite resources: calculating the min-entropy — •Sylvia Bratzik, Markus Mertz, Hermann Kampermann, Silvestre Abruzzo, and Dagmar Bruß
16:00 |
Q 55.42 |
Optimal Control of Adiabatic Quantum Search — •Johannes Nehrkorn
16:00 |
Q 55.43 |
Optimising Quantum Control Algorithms: Tailored Balance between Sequential and Simultaneous Control Update — •Uwe Sander, Shai Machnes, Steffen Glaser, and Thomas Schulte-Herbrüggen
16:00 |
Q 55.44 |
Quantum Decoherence of Two Qubits — •Julius Helm and Walter T. Strunz
16:00 |
Q 55.45 |
Towards quantum networks: integrating fiber cavities and ion traps — •Birgit Brandstätter, Tracy Northup, Maximilian Harlander, Piet Schmidt, and Rainer Blatt
16:00 |
Q 55.46 |
Towards Cryogenic Surface Ion Traps — •Regina Lechner, Michael Niedermayr, Muir Kumph, Michael Brownnutt, and Rainer Blatt
16:00 |
Q 55.47 |
Entanglement dynamics of three-qubit states in noisy channels — •Michael Siomau and Stephan Fritzsche
16:00 |
Q 55.48 |
Beam Stabilization for Atmospheric Quantum Communication — •Claudia Dürr, Bettina Heim, Dominique Elser, Christoffer Wittmann, Denis Sych, Christoph Marquardt, and Gerd Leuchs
16:00 |
Q 55.49 |
Experimente zur Typ-II Abwärtskonversion in periodisch gepolten Kristallen — •Sabine Euler, Michael Beier, Karen Siegenthaler, Mathias Sinther und Thomas Walther
16:00 |
Q 55.50 |
Generation of two-dimensional cluster states using bimodal cavities — •Denis Gonta, Thomas Radtke, and Stephan Fritzsche
16:00 |
Q 55.51 |
Towards a Loophole-free Test of Bell’s Inequality with Entangled Pairs of Neutral Atoms — •Christoph Kurz, Julian Hofmann, Michael Krug, Florian Henkel, Wenjamin Rosenfeld, Markus Weber, and Harald Weinfurter
16:00 |
Q 55.52 |
Optical nanofibers in ion-traps — •Jan Petersen, Rainer Blatt, Michael Brownnutt, and Arno Rauschenbeutel
16:00 |
Q 55.53 |
EIT storage for arbitrarily shaped low-intensity light pulses — •Gunnar Langfahl-Klabes, Peter Nisbet, Jerome Dilley, Genko Vasilev, Daniel Ljunggren, and Axel Kuhn
16:00 |
Q 55.54 |
Lossless atomic state detection using the Purcell effect — •Carolin Hahn, Jörg Bochmann, Martin Mücke, Christoph Guhl, Stephan Ritter, David Moehring, and Gerhard Rempe
16:00 |
Q 55.55 |
Quantum Information Processing with Atoms in Arrays of Dipole Potentials — •Malte Schlosser, Jens Kruse, Peter Schauß, Benedikt Baumgarten, Sascha Tichelmann, and Gerhard Birkl
16:00 |
Q 55.56 |
Operational multipartite entanglement classes for symmetric photonic qubit states — Nikolai Kiesel, •Witlef Wieczorek, Stephanie Krins, Thierry Bastin, Harald Weinfurter, and Enrique Solano
16:00 |
Q 55.57 |
A single photon source with diamond nanocrystals — •Juliane Hermelbracht, James Rabeau, Ariane Stiebeiner, Ruth Garcia Fernandez, Arno Rauschenbeutel, and Harald Weinfurter
16:00 |
Q 55.58 |
Generation of strongly squeezed light in periodically poled KTP — •Sebastian Steinlechner, Jöran Bauchrowitz, Tobias Eberle, Henning Vahlbruch, and Roman Schnabel
16:00 |
Q 55.59 |
Geometric measure of entanglement compared to measures based on fidelity — •Alexander Streltsov
16:00 |
Q 55.60 |
Barrier Control in Tunneling e+-e− Photoproduction — •Sebastian Meuren, Antonino Di Piazza, Erik Lötstedt, Alexander I. Milstein, and Christoph H. Keitel
16:00 |
Q 55.61 |
Quantum friction for particles near a metal — •Gregor Pieplow, Harald Haakh, Francesco Intravaia, and Carsten Henkel
16:00 |
Q 55.62 |
Microwave cavity QED experiment with lower Rydberg atomic state — •Pierre Thoumany, Linas Urbonas, Theodor W. Hänsch, and Thomas Becker
16:00 |
Q 55.63 |
Interpretation of Quantum Trajectories Arising from a Stochastic Description of Non-Markovian Open Quantum Systems — •Sven Krönke and Walter T. Strunz
16:00 |
Q 55.64 |
Short-time vs. long-time dynamics of entanglement in quantum lattice models — •Razmik Unanyan, Dominik Muth, and Michael Fleischhauer
16:00 |
Q 55.65 |
Crystallization of photons in optical lattices — •Sergey Grishkevich, Hessam Habibian, and Giovanna Morigi
16:00 |
Q 55.66 |
Cavity-EIT with single atoms — •Martin Mücke, Eden Figueroa, Joerg Bochmann, Carolin Hahn, Celso Jorge Villas-Boas, Stephan Ritter, and Gerhard Rempe
16:00 |
Q 55.67 |
Artificial magnetic fields for stationary light — •Johannes Otterbach, Julius Ruseckas, Razmik Unanyan, Gediminas Juzeliunas, and Michael Fleischhauer
16:00 |
Q 55.68 |
Zeta-States in Phase Space — •Cornelia Feiler, Rüdiger Mack, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
16:00 |
Q 55.69 |
Motional effects on the efficiency of excitation transfer — •Ali Asadian, Markus Tiersch, Jianming Cai, Gian Giacomo Guerreschi, Hans Briegel, and Sandu Popescu
16:00 |
Q 55.70 |
Tunable upconversion Pr,Yb:ZBLAN fiber laser from 601 nm to 625 nm — •Benjamin Hermberg, Ortwin Hellmig, Klaus Sengstock, and Valeri Baev
16:00 |
Q 55.71 |
Femtosekunden-Laser geschriebener Kanalwellenleiterlaser in Nd:YAG mit 1,3 W Ausgangsleistung — •Jörg Siebenmorgen, Thomas Calmano, Ortwin Hellmig, Klaus Petermann und Günter Huber
16:00 |
Q 55.72 |
A new laser source for trapping Lithium — •Ulrich Eismann, Frédéric Chevy, Fabrice Gerbier, Gérard Trénec, Jacques Vigué, and Christophe Salomon
16:00 |
Q 55.73 |
High-power solid state laser system at 589 nm — Axel Friedenauer, •Manfred Hager, Bernhard Ernstberger, and Wilhelm Kaenders
16:00 |
Q 55.74 |
Aufbau eines kompakten Dioden-Lasersystems bei 435,9 nm — •Florian Schad, Thorsten Führer und Thomas Walther
16:00 |
Q 55.75 |
Continuous-wave Lyman-α generation by four-wave-mixing in mercury — •Andreas Koglbauer, Martin Scheid, Daniel Kolbe, Ruth Steinborn, Sven Richter, and Jochen Walz
16:00 |
Q 55.76 |
Effects of counter-directional mode coupling in a cw PP LN SRO with ring resonator — Sergey Vasilyev, Stephan Schiller, •Hans-Emanuel Gollnick, Alexander Nevsky, Arnaud Grisard, and Juan Jiménez
16:00 |
Q 55.77 |
Detektor zum Nachweis von Hg für ein EPR-Experiment — •Tobias Beck, Alexander Bertz und Thomas Walther
16:00 |
Q 55.78 |
Optical AC Coupling - Ein neues Konzept für Leistungsstabilisierungen von Lasern — •Patrick Kwee, Benno Willke und Karsten Danzmann
16:00 |
Q 55.79 |
Study of nonlinear effects produced by organic molecules adsorbed on subwavelength diameter optical fibres — •Konstantin Karapetyan, Cristian Dan, Ulrich Wiedemann, Dimitri Pritzkau, Wolfgang Alt, and Dieter Meschede
16:00 |
Q 55.80 |
Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements with single cells of the photosynthetic model organism Chlamydomonas reinhardtii — •Andreas Garz, Stefanie Schlede, Heiko Lokstein, and Ralf Menzel
16:00 |
Q 55.81 |
THz generation via optical rectification in GaAs and GaP — •Jan-Philipp Negel, Robin Hegenbarth, Andy Steinmann, Bernd Metzger, Felix Hoos, and Harald Giessen
16:00 |
Q 55.82 |
Realization of a scanning microscope for nonlinear microscopy — •Sebastian Beer, Petra Groß, Carsten Cleff, Lisa Kleinschmidt, and Carsten Fallnich
16:00 |
Q 55.83 |
Brightness measurement of laser-triggered electrons from field emission tips — •Hanno Kaupp, Max Eisele, Markus Schenk, Michael Krüger, Johannes Hoffrogge, John Breuer, and Peter Hommelhoff
16:00 |
Q 55.84 |
Laser Proton Acceleration with a 150 TW laser system — •Stephan Kraft, Karl Zeil, Josefine Metzkes, Tom Richter, Stefan Bock, Uwe Helbig, Thomas Cowan, and Ulrich Schramm
16:00 |
Q 55.85 |
Direct Observation of Structural Dynamics in Graphite Using Ultrafast Electron Diffraction — •Christian Gerbig, Cristian Sarpe-Tudoran, Matthias Wollenhaupt, and Thomas Baumert
16:00 |
Q 55.86 |
OCT and CARS imaging with an ultrashort pulse Ti:sapphire laser — •Claudia Hoffmann, Angelika Unterhuber, Boris Považay, Thomas Binhammer, Wolfgang Drexler, and Uwe Morgner
16:00 |
Q 55.87 |
Selectively closed liquid-filled photonic crystal fibers — •Timo Gissibl, Marius Vieweg, and Harald Giessen
16:00 |
Q 55.88 |
Numerische Berechnungsverfahren zur Simulation von Brillouin-basierten Slow-Light Systemen — •Andrzej Wiatrek, Ronny Henker, Kambiz Jamshidi, Stefan Preußler und Thomas Schneider
16:00 |
Q 55.89 |
Simulation eines optischen Regenerators für mehrstufige optische Modulationsformate — •Martin Hierold, Tobias Röthlingshöfer, Klaus Sponsel, Georgy Onishchukov, Bernhard Schmauss und Gerd Leuchs
16:00 |
Q 55.90 |
On the brink of causality: Wave propagation in Gödel’s Universe — •Michael Samaniego, Endre Kajari, and Wolfgang P. Schleich
16:00 |
Q 55.91 |
Optical Properties of the Insulator-On-Silicon-On-Insulator Material System — •Daniel Pergande and Ralf B. Wehrspohn
16:00 |
Q 55.92 |
Optomechanical coupling of ultracold atoms and a membrane — •Maria Korppi, Stephan Camerer, David Hunger, Theodor W. Hänsch, and Philipp Treutlein
16:00 |
Q 55.93 |
Measuring non-Markovian dynamics using optomechanical systems — •Alexey Trubarov, Konrad Kieling, Simon Gröblacher, Markus Aspelmeyer, and Jens Eisert